{"sEcho":1,"iTotalRecords":100,"iTotalDisplayRecords":100,"aaData":[{"bks_id":1,"bks_type":"I","bks_title":"The Biographical Souvenir of the State of Texas","bks_link":"book-souv\/001\/biographical-souvenir-state-texas","bks_order":1,"bks_author":"","bks_provided":"","bks_desc":"Containing Biographical Sketches of the Representative Public and Many Early Settled Families.","bks_copyrt":"© 1889 Chicago: F. A. Battey & Company.","bks_text":"

This book contains a gold mine of facts on Fannin County families. The articles were most often submitted by family members of the \"everyday\" people of the area. Now with a directly linked index!<\/bi>. As of June 2019, this book is also now available at the Portal to Texas History<\/a>\u00a0<\/el> and fully searchable.<\/p>","bks_footer":""},{"bks_id":2,"bks_type":"I","bks_title":"Early Pioneer Days in Texas","bks_link":"book-pion\/002\/early-pioneer-days-texas","bks_order":2,"bks_author":"J. Taylor Allen","bks_provided":"","bks_desc":"","bks_copyrt":"© J. Taylor Allen, 1918, Wilkinson Printing Company, Dallas, Texas.","bks_text":"

J. Taylor Allen<\/sa> writes about his father, William Bruce Allen<\/sa> as well as his friends and associates in and around the vicinity of Allens Chapel and Allens Point. Primary surnames include: Allen<\/sa>, Baker<\/sa>, Cunningham<\/sa>, Deupree<\/sa>, Jones<\/sa>, Nicholson<\/sa>, Ramsey<\/sa>, Spence<\/sa>, Underwood<\/sa>, and Yoakum<\/sa> but many others are mentioned. We have included here only the first 20 chapters as these contained information of genealogical significance which could then be linked to further information within the site. A religious man, J. Taylor Allen<\/sa> fills the last half of the book with his own parables and poems. The entire book can be viewed and\/or downloaded in a variety of formats at the American Libraries Internet Archive<\/a><\/el>. \r\nTranscribed and searchable.<\/sa><\/p>","bks_footer":""},{"bks_id":3,"bks_type":"I","bks_title":"Fannin County Folks & Facts","bks_link":"book-folk\/003\/fannin-county-folks-facts","bks_order":3,"bks_author":"","bks_provided":"","bks_desc":"","bks_copyrt":"© 1977 Bonham Public Library. Posted with permission.","bks_text":"

This is the main biographical book of Fannin County, published here with the permission of the Bonham Public Library. Now with a directly linked name index!<\/bi>. As of June 2019, this book is also now available at the Portal to Texas History<\/a>\u00a0<\/el> and fully searchable.<\/p>","bks_footer":""},{"bks_id":4,"bks_type":"I","bks_title":"History of Fannin County, Texas","bks_link":"book-hist\/004\/history-fannin-county-texas","bks_order":4,"bks_author":"W. A. Carter","bks_provided":"","bks_desc":"History, Statistics and Biographies. Business Cards, etc.","bks_copyrt":"© 1885","bks_text":"

Although not the size nor scope of the Biographical Souvenir of Texas, this 'oft cited book has held it's own through the years. The historical sketches are worth the read and will be especially valued by descendents. The biographical sketches are not strong on detail. Now fully transcribed and searchable<\/bi><\/p>","bks_footer":""},{"bks_id":5,"bks_type":"I","bks_title":"Bonham: The Era Has Gone, But Memories Linger On","bks_link":"book-gone\/005\/era-has-gone","bks_order":5,"bks_author":"Pat Mercer Stephens","bks_provided":"Fannin County Historical Commission","bks_desc":"","bks_copyrt":"","bks_text":"

A wonderful book compiled and edited by Pat Mercer Stephens and published by the Fannin County Historical Commission a number of years ago, around 1979. It contains many photographs and very detailed information on the history of Bonham.<\/p>","bks_footer":""},{"bks_id":6,"bks_type":"I","bks_title":"A Little Twig from Ladonia (My Family Tree)","bks_link":"book-twig\/006\/little-twig-ladonia","bks_order":6,"bks_author":"Mary Katherine James Dowell \u2013 1987","bks_provided":"Glenn Ann Dowell Hunt","bks_desc":"","bks_copyrt":"","bks_text":"

Memoirs of growing up in Ladonia.<\/p>","bks_footer":"Her mother's book provided to us by:<\/sa>\r\n
\r\n|88|"},{"bks_id":7,"bks_type":"I","bks_title":"A Brief History of Dodd City, Texas","bks_link":"book-dodd\/007\/brief-history-dodd-city","bks_order":7,"bks_author":"Millard Doan Brent","bks_provided":"Millard Doan Brent","bks_desc":"","bks_copyrt":"Copyright \u00a9 1962 by Millard Doan Brent. Posted with his permission.","bks_text":"","bks_footer":""},{"bks_id":8,"bks_type":"I","bks_title":"Tales of the World War","bks_link":"book-toww\/008\/tales-world-war","bks_order":8,"bks_author":"Albert L. Bartley<\/sl>","bks_provided":"|775|, Grandson of A. L. Bartley","bks_desc":"","bks_copyrt":"\u00a9 1935 Posted with permission of |775|.","bks_text":"

In the early autumn of 1917 when the young men of our nation began receiving their calls from the Government for service in the World War many incidents took place that should be of interest to the average reader. These incidents should also reveal to those who were not in the military service the state of mind of the boys as they left their homes in defense of their country.<\/p>","bks_footer":""},{"bks_id":9,"bks_type":"I","bks_title":"Alexander's Regiment","bks_link":"book-areg\/009\/alexanders-regiment","bks_order":9,"bks_author":"S. H. Fox","bks_provided":"","bks_desc":"","bks_copyrt":"Published 15 Jun 1918 by A. H. Planck, McKinney, Texas. Submitted by |259|.","bks_text":"

A history of the 34th regiment of Texas volunteers, [34th Texas Cavalry (dismounted)] better known as Alexander's Regiment, named for A. M. Alexander<\/sa> of Sherman, the first colonel. This regiment served throughout the war between the States. Regimental reunions were held annually from 1910 to 1918 and reports of each are included in this booklet.<\/p>

According to the author, \"This sketch is compiled from personal experience, memory and other avenues and scraps of history and information deemed reliable, and is lovingly dedicated to Capt. J. H. Roderick<\/sa>, the only surviving captain, and this little band of old members of the regiment who meet from time to time to revive the memories of the past and to renew the ties of comradeship by which we are bound together.\" <\/p>","bks_footer":""},{"bks_id":10,"bks_type":"I","bks_title":"Three Hundredth and Fifty-Ninth Infantry, Texas Brigade","bks_link":"book-ifty\/010\/359th-infantry-brigade","bks_order":10,"bks_author":"Chaplain of the 359th","bks_provided":"","bks_desc":"A Short History and Photographic Record of the 359th Infantry Texas Brigade, Lieut. Col. W. A. Cavenaugh, Commanding","bks_copyrt":"","bks_text":"

The One Hundred and Eightieth Brigade of the 90th Division of the National Army, which embraces the Three-fifty-ninth Regiment, is popularly known as the Texas Brigade, as it was composed almost entirely of Texas citizens. This book, containing well over 2000 photos of soldiers, was published prior to the 359th Regiment's entrance into the war while the men were still training for battle.<\/p>","bks_footer":""},{"bks_id":11,"bks_type":"I","bks_title":"Men & Women of World War II from Fannin County","bks_link":"book-mwww\/011\/men-women-of-world-war-ii","bks_order":11,"bks_author":"","bks_provided":"","bks_desc":"","bks_copyrt":"","bks_text":"

This book was compiled by volunteers in an effort to honor every uniformed member of the armed services from Fannin County during World War II. Beginning in July of 1945, photos and information on each soldier were requested to be submitted by the wives and parents of the soldiers serving in the war. It was published without copyright by Universal Publishing Company.<\/p>","bks_footer":""},{"bks_id":21,"bks_type":"O","bks_title":"Biographical Encyclopedia of Texas","bks_link":"http:\/\/texashistory.unt.edu\/ark:\/67531\/metapth5827","bks_order":21,"bks_author":"","bks_provided":"","bks_desc":"","bks_copyrt":"Southern Publishing Company: 1880","bks_text":"

A biographical view of Texas and its history. The book uses many narratives of the individuals who helped shape Texas history. The book has various content including: the pioneer days of Texas, Texas' transition from a Mexican state to being part of the United States, and the wars in Texas citizens participated.<\/p>","bks_footer":""},{"bks_id":22,"bks_type":"O","bks_title":"Fannin County Folks & Facts","bks_link":"https:\/\/texashistory.unt.edu\/ark:\/67531\/metapth1151234\/","bks_order":22,"bks_author":"","bks_provided":"","bks_desc":"Now also online at the Portal to Texas History and fully searchable!","bks_copyrt":"","bks_text":"","bks_footer":""},{"bks_id":23,"bks_type":"O","bks_title":"The History of Leonard, Texas: Volume 2","bks_link":"https:\/\/texashistory.unt.edu\/ark:\/67531\/metapth1330243\/","bks_order":23,"bks_author":"","bks_provided":"","bks_desc":"This book discusses the history of Leonard, Texas including descriptions of the main institutions, major events, lists of families living in the city, photographs, and lists of the graduating classes of Leonard High School. Volume II contains all of Volume I and includes additional edits and information.","bks_copyrt":"","bks_text":"","bks_footer":""},{"bks_id":24,"bks_type":"O","bks_title":"History of the revolution in Texas particularly of the war of 1835 & '36","bks_link":"http:\/\/texashistory.unt.edu\/ark:\/67531\/metapth6109","bks_order":24,"bks_author":"Rev. C. Newell","bks_provided":"","bks_desc":"together with the latest geographical, topographical, and statistical accounts of the country, from the most authentic sources. Also, an appendix.","bks_copyrt":"Published by Wiley & Putnam, 1838.","bks_text":"

And, yes, that's the title!<\/sa> A history of the Texas Revolution and a description of Texas geography. Includes a map.<\/p>","bks_footer":""},{"bks_id":25,"bks_type":"O","bks_title":"Indian wars and pioneers of Texas","bks_link":"http:\/\/texashistory.unt.edu\/ark:\/67531\/metapth6725","bks_order":25,"bks_author":"John Henry Brown","bks_provided":"","bks_desc":"","bks_copyrt":"Published by L.E. Daniell about 1880[?]","bks_text":"

A history of pioneers in Texas and their confrontations with local American Indians. Includes Index<\/a><\/sa><\/p>","bks_footer":""},{"bks_id":26,"bks_type":"O","bks_title":"Soil Survey of Fannin County, Texas","bks_link":"http:\/\/texashistory.unt.edu\/ark:\/67531\/metapth1979","bks_order":26,"bks_author":"","bks_provided":"","bks_desc":"","bks_copyrt":"(Nov 1946)","bks_text":"

Describes Fannin County Texas; includes geography, climate, water supply, industries and transportation, agriculture, and soils. Published by the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Administration, Bureau of Plant Industry, Soils, and Agricultural Engineering.<\/p>","bks_footer":""},{"bks_id":27,"bks_type":"O","bks_title":"Texas as it is today: Life in Texas around 1925","bks_link":"http:\/\/texashistory.unt.edu\/ark:\/67531\/metapth5867","bks_order":27,"bks_author":"Alfred E. Menn","bks_provided":"","bks_desc":"","bks_copyrt":"Published by Gammell's Book Store, Austin, TX","bks_text":"

A book describing life in Texas around the year 1925. The book talks about many cities in Texas as well as interesting facts about Texas. The author wrote the book in an attempt to defeat internal and external stereotypes about Texas. Includes a section about Bonham<\/a><\/sa><\/p>","bks_footer":""},{"bks_id":28,"bks_type":"O","bks_title":"Texas in 1850","bks_link":"http:\/\/texashistory.unt.edu\/ark:\/67531\/metapth6107","bks_order":28,"bks_author":"Melinda Rankin","bks_provided":"","bks_desc":"","bks_copyrt":"Published by Damrell & Moore, Boston","bks_text":"

A celebration of the state of Texas. Table of Contents<\/a><\/sa><\/p>","bks_footer":""},{"bks_id":99,"bks_type":"","bks_title":"School Yearbooks!","bks_link":"School Yearbooks","bks_order":99,"bks_author":"","bks_provided":"","bks_desc":"","bks_copyrt":"","bks_text":"A large collection of Fannin County School Yearbooks is available on the Honey Grove Preservation League Website<\/a><\/el>. Go to the Education page <\/a><\/el> where you will find other schools listed below the Honey Grove Schools information.","bks_footer":""}]}