{"sEcho":1,"iTotalRecords":100,"iTotalDisplayRecords":100,"aaData":[{"img_id":1,"img_cat":"Biography","img_cat_fk":1,"img_num":2,"img_name":"bill_boyd_2.jpg","img_caption":"Album Cover Photo"},{"img_id":2,"img_cat":"Biography","img_cat_fk":1,"img_num":3,"img_name":"bill_boyd_3.jpg","img_caption":"Songbook Cover Photo"},{"img_id":3,"img_cat":"Biography","img_cat_fk":1,"img_num":4,"img_name":"bill_boyd_band.jpg","img_caption":"Bill Boyd Band"},{"img_id":351,"img_cat":"Church","img_cat_fk":1,"img_num":1,"img_name":"photo_pbm.jpg","img_caption":"
LEONARD- The 100th anniversary of the Blanton Chapel United Methodist Church will be observed here on August 13.<\/p>\r\n
The chapel was founded in 1872 just west of Leonard by Benjamin F. Blanton.<\/p>\r\n
Although damaged by a severe storm in 1917, it was rebuilt with much of the original lumber put back in the present building.<\/p>\r\n
It carries on the face of the structure a Fannin County Historical marker put there eight years ago by the Fannin County Historical Survey Committee.<\/p>\r\n
On August 13, Rev. Henry Mood, Sherman district superintendent, will be the guest speaker at the morning worship service. Services will be followed by a luncheon in the Fellowship Hall of the church.<\/p>\r\n
That afternoon, a special music program will be given. Rev. Gene Gordan will be speaker. Mrs. Jo Nita Hancock Nash of Bonham and Mrs. Freda Ann Hancock Riley of Princeton, great granddaughters of Benjamin Blanton, will give historical background on the Blanton Chapel Church.<\/p>\r\n
Preceding the centennial observances, a revival from August 6-11 will be held at 8 p.m. each night. Evangelist Gordon will conduct the services.<\/p>\r\n
Benjamin was born in the late 1830's in North Carolina in a family of 11. He married Sarah L. Boone, daughter of pioneer Joseph Boone, and they reared a family of 14.<\/p>\r\n
After the close of the Civil War, Benjamin Blanton bought land west of Leonard where his family settled. The land deed bears the signature of Gov. John Ireland. Some of the land in the original plot is owned by a granddaughter and grandson, Mrs. Dan W. Hancock and Lois Blanton. The land adjoins the church's upkeep.<\/p>\r\n
The members in organizing were Blanton, his wife, Sarah, John A. and Betty Bullock, Sarah and Andy Key, and Zantipee McCallister.<\/p>\r\n
In 1895, the church property was accepted by the North Texas Conference of the Methodist Church.<\/p>\r\n
In April 1917, the chapel was damaged by a severe storm. The rectangular building which had been added on to from the original building was torn down and rebuilt. Much of the original lumber was used in the present building.<\/p>\r\n
A. H. Henry was Sunday school superintendent at the church for over 30 years. Marion Carpenter directed singing at the chapel for about 50 years.<\/p>\r\n
At present, Rev. George Wilcoxson is minister of the church. Ralph Williams is church school superintendent; Wren Grimes, church secretary; and Jimmy Connelly, song leader.<\/p>\r\n
The oldest living member of the church is Mrs. Bud Wilson who will be 95 years old in October. She is now a resident of Mullican Nursing Home. Other long-time members are Mrs. Ola Spangler, 83; Mrs. Annie Golden of Dallas and Mrs. Eva Mangum of the Leonard Nursing Home.<\/p>"},{"img_id":4,"img_cat":"Church","img_cat_fk":2,"img_num":1,"img_name":"littlebethel.jpg","img_caption":"Little Bethel Baptist Church"},{"img_id":5,"img_cat":"Church","img_cat_fk":2,"img_num":2,"img_name":"winlad57.jpg","img_caption":"Cecil Jones, Current Pastor & \"First Lady\" Yvonne L. Jones"},{"img_id":6,"img_cat":"Church","img_cat_fk":2,"img_num":3,"img_name":"winlad55.jpg","img_caption":"Cecil R. Jones
Pastor, Little Bethel Baptist Church\r\n
Eleven years ago, Rev. Cecil R. Jones, came to the Little Bethel Baptist Church, as its' Pastor. Since his arrival here, he has been very visible in the community, serving in a number of community activities. Under his leadership, the church has grown both numerically as well as spiritually. Stating one of his favorite passages of scripture is the reason for his success. \"I can do all things through Christ Jesus which strengtheneth me.\" (Phil 4:13)<\/p>\r\n
In the eleven years that Pastor Jones has been here at Little Bethel, he has taught us what it truly means to trust in God. What it means to have complete faith in God and the power of prayer. Pastor Jones loves his family, he loves his church family but most of all he loves the Lord with all his heart, soul, and mind.<\/p>\r\n
This leadership has not only been a blessing to this church but to this community as well. His achievements are too numerous to name, but we thank God for sending Rev. Jones to us and we pray that the Lord will leave him here for another eleven years.<\/p>"},{"img_id":7,"img_cat":"Church","img_cat_fk":2,"img_num":4,"img_name":"winlad56.jpg","img_caption":"Yvonne L. \"Bonnie\" Jones
\"First Lady\" of Little Bethel Baptist Church\r\n
Yvonne L. Jones, wife of Rev. Cecil R. Jones, Pastor of the Little Bethel Baptist Church, known by everyone who knows her as \"Bonnie\" is a devoted wife, mother and grandmother, who for the past eleven years has been the first lady of the Little Bethel Baptist Church<\/p>\r\n
First of all, Sister Jones is a Christian lady who loves her family and her church. She has given untiringly to the church of her time, her talent and her expertise. She loves to share the gifts that God has blessed her with, with everyone she comes in contact with.<\/p>\r\n
Sister Jones is not ashamed to tell you that the Lord has brought her through many storms. Her strength is in the fact that she believes in the power of prayer and the Lord has never let her down. She stands beside her husband Pastor Jones and she is a pillow of strength for him and her family.<\/p>\r\n
We have watched her through her sickness, reach deep down inside her and serve as directress of the ushers, Deaconess on first Sundays when she really didn't feel like serving, showing her true First Ladyship. She doesn't mind helping where ever she can for the cause of Christ.<\/p>\r\n
Little Bethel has truly been blessed having Sister Jones here. Her knowledge and influence has helped the church to reach higher heights. Her patience and smile leave a lasting impression on everyone she meets.<\/p>"},{"img_id":8,"img_cat":"Church","img_cat_fk":3,"img_num":1,"img_name":"1stbaplad.jpg","img_caption":"First Baptist Church, Ladonia"},{"img_id":9,"img_cat":"Church","img_cat_fk":3,"img_num":2,"img_name":"baptmark2.jpg","img_caption":"First Baptist Church"},{"img_id":10,"img_cat":"Church","img_cat_fk":3,"img_num":3,"img_name":"baptmark.jpg","img_caption":"Historical Marker"},{"img_id":11,"img_cat":"Church","img_cat_fk":3,"img_num":4,"img_name":"ladfirbap.jpg","img_caption":"Historical Marker"},{"img_id":12,"img_cat":"Church","img_cat_fk":3,"img_num":5,"img_name":"walkr1.jpg","img_caption":"\"These Gallant Men of Our Armed Forces Have Fought For the Ideals Which They Knew to be the Ideals of Their Country\"
James Powell Walker Fell in Battle, France, August 10th, 1918"},{"img_id":348,"img_cat":"Church","img_cat_fk":3,"img_num":6,"img_name":"winlad21.jpg","img_caption":"
In Memory Of In Memory Of In Memory Of Standing on Porch: John Newhouse, Tom Newhouse, Frank Dobbs. \r\nFor photos of the church built in 1912, click on the \"Photo Gallery\" link below."},{"img_id":16,"img_cat":"Church","img_cat_fk":12,"img_num":2,"img_name":"bailey_methodist_1912.jpg","img_caption":"The Bailey Methodist Church which was built in 1912. According to a May 4, 1975 newspaper article, the first sermon was preached by the G. K. Miller was active in the San Marcos (Hays County, TX) area for many years. He was working as early as 1905 and as late as 1912 in the San Marcos area. Thanks to |310| for providing information on this photographer.<\/p>"},{"img_id":22,"img_cat":"Mystery","img_cat_fk":1,"img_num":5,"img_name":"ladmyt5.jpg","img_caption":"No photographers mark or name."},{"img_id":23,"img_cat":"Mystery","img_cat_fk":2,"img_num":1,"img_name":"bmymgirl.jpg","img_caption":"Unknown Girl - Foster Photographer IDENTIFIED!!! These cuties are the DaVault daughters! \r\n\r\n- Joyce Sallee Photo"},{"img_id":260,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":2,"img_num":14,"img_name":"allens_chapel_1948.jpg","img_caption":"ALLENS CHAPEL SCHOOL - 1948: Back row, left to right, Joyce Sutton, Barbara Jones, Delores Wilson, Joe Ben Ramsey, Elmer Thomas Neely, Alfred Poeck, Jimmy Sutton, Clarence Hintz, Rufus (Sonny) Allen, James Hintz. \r\nGrades 1-3<\/p> \r\n1st Row: Dorothy Merle Hatley, Loneta McElroy, Jo Francis Wilkerson, James Ralph Clark, James Journey, Norman Graham, Woodrow Davis, Martin T. Clark<\/p> \r\n2nd Row: Peggy Joyce Duck, Peggy Jo Whitlock, Frankie Ruth Whitlock, Dorotha June Self, Imogene Gray, Joyce Waterman, Dorthy Mackey, Jack Holmes, Grace Shelton (Teacher)"},{"img_id":200,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":3,"img_num":3,"img_name":"allens_point_school.jpg","img_caption":"Allens Point School<\/p> \r\n5-8 Grades \r\nTop Row: Dorothy Robinson, Bill Whitlock; Gladys Johnson; Wallace Bell; Curtis Brown<\/p> \r\n2nd Row: Oma Strickland; Alta Skinner; Juanita Hatley; Estes Greene; Henry Gray; Edna Hotley; T. G. Whitlock; Loyd Skinner<\/p> \r\n3rd Row: Valeeta Lair; Frances Lair; Jesse Collard; Lonnie Robinson; Haugh Wallace Whitlock<\/p> \r\n\r\nPhoto provided by Bob Lane."},{"img_id":333,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":3,"img_num":4,"img_name":"allens_point_school_1927.jpg","img_caption":"The caption for this photo is<\/p> \r\n\r\nShown above is the Allens Point School made in fall of 1927. Hope we\u2019ve identified each one correctly but if not, perhaps someone can make the corrections; also identify the girl and boy whose faces are obliterated.<\/p> \r\n\r\nBottom row, left to right; Raymond (Buster) Whitlock, T. G. Whitlock, Julia Edna .Bell, Ann Whitlock, Ozelle Brown, Georgia Robinson, unidentified, Audrey Bell, Pearl Whitlock, Bill Holmes, Tom Robinson.<\/p> \r\n\r\nSecond row; Alta Skinner, Valeeta Lair, Juanita Hatley, Daisy Mae Summerville, Bill Whitlock, Lloyd Skinner, unidentified, Wallace Whitlock, Annie Mac Jones, teacher, Edna Hatley, Beatrice Robinson.<\/p> \r\n\r\nThird row; Ralph Skinner, Curtis Brown, Frances Lair, Sidney Stevens, Jess H. Collard.<\/p> \r\n\r\nBack row; Elizabeth Whitlock, Dorothy Robinson, Cloeta Hatley, J.B. Denson, Gladys Pope, principal, Henry Skinner, Bill Collard, Mildred Derryberry, unidentified, Mildred Whitlock."},{"img_id":132,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":6,"img_num":1,"img_name":"bagby_school2.jpg","img_caption":" ca 1916 - 1917. Only three students are identified. The first person in the back row is Henry Wicks. Second row, from the left is Bryan Porter and Fred Barnett.<\/p>\r\n The teacher shown is \r\n\r\nNames listed on the back - order ? \r\n\r\n\r\n1st Row. Mary Mendenhall Newhouse, Frank Jackson, Irvin Copeland, Frank Blake, George Emerson, Jim Mendenhall, Arthur Bigbee, William Bigbee<\/p> \r\n\r\n2nd Row: Bonnie Essary Collard, Velma Lee, Eleanor Jones Hudson, Annie Buckhannan Keene, Euna Mae Nelson Copland, Effie Jones Chaffin, Leola Lusby, Flossie Blake, Pearl Emerson Jackson, Alice Bigbee Dooley, Hassie Jackson Bigbee<\/p> \r\n\r\n3rd Row: Frank Emerson (Teacher), Beulah Jackson Bigbee, Flora Page, Jessie Emerson Alexander, Irene Lee Richardson, Lillie Peniel Owens, Joe Lee, Robert Emerson, Arthur Blake, Mable Lee"},{"img_id":72,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":9,"img_num":2,"img_name":"bigbee_school_1.jpg","img_caption":"Outside the windows after Sunday School. About 1917."},{"img_id":73,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":9,"img_num":3,"img_name":"bigbee_school_2.jpg","img_caption":"Boy by the porch post - Estel Farris - 1st Row: Manuel Kirkpatrick, Luther Bruce, Roy Wheless. Processional - \"God of Our Fathers\" ... Warren\r\n Benediction\r\n --------------------------------------------\r\n Class Roll\r\n Faculty\r\n \r\nFor additional photos, click on Photo Gallery link below."},{"img_id":86,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":29,"img_num":2,"img_name":"dial_1929.jpg","img_caption":"Dial School 1929-1920<\/p> Teachers - Lynn Richardson and Anne Lou West<\/p> \r\nFirst Row: Payne Lewis, Ollie Clive Miles, Carl Joyce Taylor, Lynn Richardson, Pauline Holley, B. P. Nunnelley, Pauline Lyday, Roy Shelby, Mildred Nevil, Thelma Thomason, Travis Jackson<\/p> \r\nSecond Row: Clarence Hennard, John Ralph Kilpatrick, Cleb Carter, Girtie Lee Hill, Howard Carter, Raymond Thomason, Wynona Nevil, Anne Lou West, Mildred Nunnellely, Faye Carter, Christine Jean, Mallie Glen Miles, Ruby Nell Hill, Dorothy Nell Chapman, Louise Shelby<\/p><\/p>\r\nThird Row: Ruth Mann, Glenda Melton, Wilma Carter, Neva Jo Hill, Lucille Nunnelley, Helen Hackson, Belle Marie Thomason, Elizabeth Shelby, Ruth Carter, Ruth Kilpatrick, Marie Hennard, Lou Ethel Taylor, Voncille Southerland <\/p> \r\nFourth Row: Ed Jackson, C. C. Roland, Dudley Jackson, Hugh Jackson, Claborne Holley, Lawrence Hennard, Billy Kilpatrick, _______, Leonard Hennard<\/p> \r\nFifth Row: ___________, Dale Bass, James Page, Cecil Lyday, R. M. Chalres, Wilburn Thomason, Lois Bass, E. G. Bass, Everett Page.<\/p> \r\nPhoto and names from collection at the Bertha Voyer Memorial Library, Honey Grove."},{"img_id":87,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":29,"img_num":3,"img_name":"dial_1930.jpg","img_caption":"Dial School, 1930-1931<\/p> Teachers - Lynn Richardson and Anne Lou West<\/p> \r\nFirst Row: Raymond Thomason, Payne Lewis, Clarke Harwood, Louie Ray Melton, Ollie Clive Miles, Travis Jackson, Cleo Carter, Dudley Jackson<\/p> \r\nSecond Row: Hugh Jackson, Girtie Lee Hill, Faye Carter, Dorothy Nell Chapman, Louise Shelby, Lynn Richardson, Anne Lou West, Pauline Holley, Christine Pullen, Thelma Thomason<\/p> \r\nThird Row: Howard Carter, Ruth Carter, Helen Jackson, Wilma Carter, Billie Marie Thomason, Wynona Nevil, Christine Jean, Ruth Mann, Glenda Melton, Ruby Nell Hill<\/p> \r\nFourth Row: Claborne Holley, James Page, Harold Sorrells, R. M. Charles, Homer Dale Milford, Royce Sutton, Alvin Page, Naomi Jackson, Elizabeth Shelby, Neva Jo Hill, Dorothy Shelby, Martha Jo Mann<\/p> \r\nFifth Row: E. J. Bass, George Chapman, Clouis Holley, Wilburn Thomason, Lois Bass, Everett Page, Forest Holley, Dale Bass, Ed Jackson.<\/p> \r\nPhoto and names from collection at the Bertha Voyer Memorial Library, Honey Grove."},{"img_id":88,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":29,"img_num":4,"img_name":"dial_school_1932.jpg","img_caption":"Dial School Class of 1932.<\/p> \r\nTop row, left to right: Dudley Jackson, Wynona Neville, Christine Jean, Louise Shelby, Tommie Hamilton, Ollie Clyde Miles, Raymond Thomason, Henry Covington, Howard Carter.<\/p> \r\nSecond row, left to right: Bonnie Hamilton, Ruth Mann, Faye Carder, Girtie Lee Hill, Rubye Yant, Margaret Little, Mattie Glen Miles, Rubye Nell Hill, Dorothy Nell Chapman, Glenda Melton.<\/p> \r\nThird row, top left to right: Alice Bass, Naomi Jackson, Neva Jo Hill, Ruth Carter, Wilma Carder, Wilma Shelby, Helen Jackson, Mary Elizabeth Hendon, Dorothy Shelby.<\/p> \r\nFourth row, top left to right: Claude Barnett, Naomi Carter, Mattie Fay Joyce, Mary Katherine Joyce, Beulah Mae Jackson, Marguerette Jackson, Martha Jo Mann, Homer Dale Milford, George Chapman, Royce Sutton, C. E. Joyce, R. M. Charles.<\/p> \r\nFifth row from top left to right: Claiborn Holley, Dale Bass, T. F. Hendon, E. J. Bass, Clovis Holley, WIlburn Thomason, Lois Bass, John Milford Campbell.\r\n<\/p> Photo and names from the collection of the Bertha Voyer Memorial Library, Honey Grove, Texas."},{"img_id":133,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":29,"img_num":5,"img_name":"dial_1935.jpg","img_caption":"Photo taken about 1935.<\/p> \r\nBack row: Ruth Carter, Lois Wall, Helen Jackson, Wynona Neville, Vera Mae Vincent, Raymonell Chaney, Bell Marie Thomason, Willma Shelby.<\/p> \r\nSecond row: Ed Jackson, Dale Bass, C. C. Roland, Cooper Carter, Rubye Yant, T. F. Hendon, Jack Baker Covington, Clovis Holley, E. J. Bass.\r\n<\/p> \r\nThird row: Lola Sutton, Louise Jackson, Dorothy Shelby, Alice Bass, Naomi Jackson, Neva Jo Hill, Marguerette Jackson, Naomi Carter, Mary Elizabeth Hendon, Mary Katherine Joyce.<\/p> \r\nFourth row: John Milford Campbell, Lois Bass, James Page, Wilburn Thomason, C. E. Joyce, Earl Wall, Billy Ray Sorrells, Joe Wayne Chaney, Forest Holley.<\/p> \r\nFront row: Lloyd Pulliam, Ray Wall, Charlie Charles Jr., Royce Sutton, J. C. Chamberlain, R. M. Charles, Harold Dee Sorrells, Alvin Page.<\/p> \r\nPhoto and names from an article by Johnny Avery now in the collection of the Bertha Voyer Memorial Library in Honey Grove.<\/p>"},{"img_id":134,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":29,"img_num":6,"img_name":"dial_1931.jpg","img_caption":"Dial School, 1931-32.<\/p> \r\nBack row: Dudley Jackson, Ruth Carter, ___________, Wynoma Neville, Louis Shelby, Christine Jean, Mattie Glen Miles, Girtie Lee Hill, Bell Marie Thomason, Glenda Melton, Ollie Miles.<\/p> \r\nSecond row: Wilma Shelby, Helen Jackson, Raymonell Chaney, Clairborn Holley, Hugh Jackson, Margaret Little, Rubye Yant, Howard Carter, Vera Mae Vincent, Edd Jackson, Clovis Holley.<\/p> \r\nThird row: Royce Sutton, R. M. Charles, Harold Ace Sorrells, Forest Holley, Elhert E. Nunnelley, Jack Baker Covington, Wilburn thomason, C. E. Joyce, Johon Milford Campbell, Homer Dale Milford.<\/p> \r\nFourth row: Neva Jo Hill, Alice Bass, Beulah Mae Jackson, _________, __________, Louise Jackson, Mary Katherine Joyce, Marguerette Jackson, Dorothy Shelby, Mary Elizabeth Hendon, Naomi Jackson, Ora Nell Nunnelley, Naomi Carter.<\/p> \r\nFront row: E. J. Bass, James Page, T. F. Hendon, Everett Page, Joe Wayne Chaney, Alvin Page.<\/p> \r\nPhoto and names from Johnny Avery now in the collection of the Bertha Voyer Memorial Library in Honey Grove.<\/p>"},{"img_id":135,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":29,"img_num":7,"img_name":"dial_1921.jpg","img_caption":"Dial School 1921-22. Photo from Johnny Avery now in the collection of the Bertha Voyer Memorial Library."},{"img_id":136,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":29,"img_num":8,"img_name":"dial_1946.jpg","img_caption":"Dial School, 1946-47.<\/p> \r\nFirst row: Charles Yant, Charles Thurman, Clyde Cole, James Ray Melton, Mary Jo Boehler, Mary Dykes, Barbara Melton.<\/p> \r\nSecond row: Joyce Hancock, Juanita Hall, Peggy Roland, May Ann Nunnelley, Annell Thurman, Wilma Helms, Eliabeth Dykes.<\/p> \r\nThird row: Eugene Thurman, John Earl Charles, Charles womack, William Henry Boehler, Mack Thurman, James Allen Boehler, Mary Ida Yant, Martha Boehler.<\/p> \r\nPhoto and names from Johnny Avery now in the collection of the Bertha Voyer Memorial Library in Honey Grove.<\/p>"},{"img_id":137,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":29,"img_num":9,"img_name":"dial_1939.jpg","img_caption":"Dial School Class of 1939.<\/p> \r\nThis photo was taken January 16, 1939 and is of the Dial school classes of 1938-39. Cooper Carter was principal and Opal Lynn was assistant.<\/p> \r\nBack row: Lla Mae Chapman, Ruby Mae Joyce, Jewel Holloway, Beulah Mae Jackson, Mary Katherine Joyce, Mattie Fae Joyce, Katherine Page.<\/p> \r\nSecond row: Merl Hall, Era Jo Jackson, Bobbie Jean Akard, Cooper Carter Opal Lynn, Jessie D. Holloway, Lloyd Pullen, Lola Sutton, Hallie Chapman.<\/p> \r\nThird row: Charles Robert Akard, Lillie Mae Covington, Wanda Jo Roland, Mackey Charles, Virgil Pullen, George Dow Covington.<\/p> \r\nFourth row: Aletha Holloway, Lorene Holloway, Louie Frances Page, Billie Marie Chaffin, Gorge Allen Jackson, Roy Lee Chapman, J. D. Akard, Billie Charles, James Allen Collely, Charlie Charles Jr.<\/p> \r\nPhoto and names from Johnny Avery now in the collection of the Bertha Voyer Memorial Library in Honey Grove.<\/p>"},{"img_id":334,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":29,"img_num":10,"img_name":"dial1921a.jpg","img_caption":"Shown above is the Dial School class of 1921-1922. The teacher was Mamie Campbell.<\/p> \r\n\r\nTop row: Grace Kirk, \u2014 Thomas, Ethel Lewis, EIvaMann, Ruby Yant, Mary Sue Carlock, Milliard Vandiver, --Dickson, Cleatus Hall, Johnny Avery, Allard Vandiver, Thomas Dickson. Johnson School Picture #1 Year is unknown (Left to right) \r\n \r\n\r\n \r\n\r\n \r\nTeachers: Miss Mary Ridlings and Robert Baker \r\nLone Star School 1910-12: This photo is of the Lone Star School which was located just at the foot of the Lone Star Hill, a few mile south of Allens Chapel. This community and school later became a part of the Allens Chapel community. John Damron was the teacher. 1. Dee Cantrell; 2. Ethel McDowell; 3. Jim Parrish; 4. Ruby Cobb; 5. Eddie Parrish; 6. Nellie Bullington; 7. Hattie Parrish; 8. Carrie McDow; 9. Mildred Parrish; 10. Eula Waters; 11. Austin Cantrell; 12. Frank Parrish; 13. Alvin Parrish; 14. Albert Allen; 15. Roy Barnett; 16. Ruby Barnett; 17. Frank Cantrell; 18. Fred Cantrell; 19. Willie Johnson; 20. Snodie Cantrell; 21. Ruby McDow; 22. Carl Hobbs; 23. Harley Moore; 24. Nina Pickett."},{"img_id":131,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":61,"img_num":1,"img_name":"michiganprairie.jpg","img_caption":"Photo from the Collection of the Estate of John and Thelma Black."},{"img_id":171,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":74,"img_num":1,"img_name":"providence_1930.jpg","img_caption":"Providence School around 1930. Teacher - Alta Thomas. Right of Alta Thomas is Windelen Rattan. Back row, white short - Carl Bell. Back row, tall boy - Robert Lankford. Botton row, 4th from left - Billy Joe Bell."},{"img_id":315,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":76,"img_num":1,"img_name":"ravenna_1917.jpg","img_caption":"Ravenna High School, 1917-1933"},{"img_id":316,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":76,"img_num":2,"img_name":"ravenna_1949.jpg","img_caption":"Ravenna School. Building used until 1949."},{"img_id":95,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":79,"img_num":1,"img_name":"sch_riverby_1929.jpg","img_caption":"Riverby School from 1929. Teachers: Mrs. and Mrs. Luther Burkett and Miss Mabel McCaster. \r\n\r\nPupils: Cecil Beezlley, Jettie Beezley, Hubert Peel, Lucille Peel, Perry Northcut, Chrystel Vaught, James Philpot, Beachel Fair, Beatrice Fair, John Vaught, Bessie Flood, Madge Fair, Marie Compton, Tom Pierce, Mamie Smith, Grace Smith, Denton Swearingen, Willard Orum, Freda Morris, Dorothy Smith, Clarence Perdue, Hershel McDonald, Jessie Smith, Lloyd Compton, Junior Jackson, James Weaver, Orville Carlisle, Odell Carlisle, J. W. Hopkins, Pauline Flood, Daisy Dodd, Willie Goss, Mary Sue Roach, Marie Ellington, Anne Varie Hopkins, Leonard Hopkins, Claude A. Peel, Lena Ellington, Lois Richardson, and John Goss.<\/p> \r\nFor additional information, click \"Photo Gallery\" below."},{"img_id":96,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":79,"img_num":2,"img_name":"sch_riverby_article_6_30_33.jpg","img_caption":"Article from the June 30, 1933 Honey Grove Signal Citizen. Riverby School Opens<\/bi><\/p> The Riverby school opened its summer session on Monday of this week, with an excellent attendance. This is the only school in the county that operates on this plan, the session opening when the crops are laid by and closing when cotton picking and harvesting season requires the assistance of the students. When the harvest is completed the school opens again and closes when the spring planting season in [sic, is] on. The school is one of the best and most modern in Fannin county, and having an average attendance of about 130, last year it having been necessary to add another teacher. \r\n\r\nRiverby School Closed After Many Years of Operation<\/b><\/p> \r\n\r\nMrs. Beachel Fair gathers up the last of her books as she bids farewell to the Riverby School, where she taught for the past twenty-eight years. The school has been closed as many others have in the past, leaving only one one-teacher school in Fannin County, which is located at Lannius. The continued decline in population in the rural areas had caused the consolidation of these schools.<\/p> \r\n\r\nMrs. Fair came to the Riverby community from Wills Point, as a single girl, and accepted a position as teacher in 1932. She was married to Beachel Fair of that community on May 26, 1934. They are the parents of one son, Max, who is a sophomore in East Texas College at Commerce.<\/p> \r\n\r\nWhen Mrs. Fair came to the Riverby community, there were many families on the Goss and Morgan plantations, as the work on these plantations was done mostly by day labor with the use of teams. The first year she enrolled 105 in her room, with the two other teachers enrolling somewhere around 125. This total of 230, twenty-eight-years ago, has dwindled from a three-teacher school, and from the large enrollment a few years back, to an enrollment of 17 last year, and with the closing of the last school term, an enrollment of only eight pupils.<\/p> \r\n\r\nThere is a look of sadness the eyes of Mrs. Fair when she speaks of the closing of the school - she no doubt treasures many memories of her long teaching career at the Riverby School, on Red River, north of Honey Grove.<\/p> \r\n\r\nBefore teaching at Riverby, Mrs. Fair taught for a short time in Van Zandt and Mitchell counties, and will teach this fall in the Honey Grove schools.<\/p> \r\n\r\nTo a lady who has been an inspiration to the many people who have associated with her, and to the community as a whole, we should like to commend Mrs. Beachel Fair for a job well done.<\/p>"},{"img_id":331,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":79,"img_num":5,"img_name":"sch_riverby_1927_basketball.jpg","img_caption":"Riverby school basketball team 1927"},{"img_id":97,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":80,"img_num":1,"img_name":"rock_point_school.jpg","img_caption":"Brent Tarter, teacher; Rita Marr; Onice McCraw; Omega Clark; Velma Avary; Robert Shelton; Earl Marr; Dewey Baldridge; Saw Williams; Lucille Nichols; Carra Shelton; Louis Pearl; Baker; Exie Norton; Dave Curham; Virgia Avary; Ollie Jefferies; Nola Marr; Mildred Norton, Milton Norton; Grace Braudrick; Chester McCraw; Chester McCraw; Henty Williams; Dow Durham<\\p> \r\nBottom Row: Lucile School, teacher, Johnnie Jeffries; May Harris; Pearl Harris; Mae Clark; Hershel Jenkins; Aubyn Faye Shelton; Jimmie Baldridge; Lizzie McCraw; Elbert Norton; Everett Morton; Willie I. Collard; Ruby Bailey; Lila Rae Marr; Mac Harris; Elmer Shelton; Irene McCraw; Clara Bell Beldridge; Eslie Williams; Luther Bartley; and Joe Jenkins.<\\p> \r\nFor another photo, click on Photo Gallery."},{"img_id":98,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":80,"img_num":2,"img_name":"rock_point_school_1930.jpg","img_caption":"Rock Point School - 1930-31 Term<\\p> \r\n1st Row bottom, left to right. Elmer Ray Edlin, Magness Shelton, John Dibley, Edward Williams, Ray McCraw, Ralph Williams, Hobart Sale, James Ferguson, James Cunningham<\\p> \r\n2nd Row: __________ Evans, Thomas Neal, Richard Shelton, ______ Evans, J. T. Edlin, Raymond Bankhead, Vernon Neal, Alfred Williams, Elbert E. Nunnelley<\\p> \r\n3rd Row: Mary Katherine Clark, Neva June Shelton, Elizabeth (above N.J.S>), Evellyn Harrison (Covington), Grace Emmons (Milam), Grace Hudson (Yant), Alene Melton, Annie Vineyard, Dorothy Isaacs, Bertie Mae Evans<\\p> \r\n4th Row: Essie Lee Williams, Julia Cunningham (Fennell), Mable Isaacs, Vera Neal, Fred McCraw, Jessie Green, Harold Shelton, C. B. Shelton, Leonard Bankhead.<\\p> \r\nTeachers: Principal - Grace Emmons; Primary - Grace Hudson\r\n\r\n\r\n"},{"img_id":314,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":81,"img_num":1,"img_name":"rogers_1924.jpg","img_caption":"Rogers School 1924-25 See Image Gallery for scan of back side of photo. "},{"img_id":100,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":83,"img_num":2,"img_name":"savage_school_1924-1925_back.jpg","img_caption":"Savage School Group N.E. of Leonard, Texas, 1924\/1925 School Year \r\nTop Row: Sallie Wylie (teacher), Bessie Bell, Hollie Bell, Gordon Lochridge, Mabel Hall, Clarence Self, unknown, Rufus Overly. 2nd row: Sam Newhouse, unknown, unknown, unknown, Cecil Bell, Margie Lochridge, Vesta Bell, Troy Bell, Mary Lou Newhouse, Lucille Leatherwood (teacher). Three boys sitting at left: Grant Adkins, Leon Smith, Bill Bell. Three boys standing at right of steps: Roy Self, Charles Adkins, J.W. Scroggins. Third row: girl with checkered dress unknown, unknown, Ruth Lochridge, Dean Bell, Pauline Lochridge, Troy Bell, W. A. Lochridge, Ernest Brooks, Susie Hall. Front Center: Werdna Bozeman, Calvin Eddins, Richard Nowells, Wallace Lochridge, Kenneth Self. Photo and names contributed by Larry Dobbs. <\/p>\r\nFor additional photos, click on Photo Gallery link below."},{"img_id":102,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":85,"img_num":2,"img_name":"sch_shiloh_1925.jpg","img_caption":"Shiloh School 1925. Photo provided by |175|"},{"img_id":103,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":85,"img_num":3,"img_name":"shiloh_1911.jpg","img_caption":"Shiloh School 1911 \r\nTop row: unknown, unknown, unknown, unknown, Neta McIntyre. 2nd row: Josephine Bell, Josie Self, Dink Self, unknown, unknown, unknown, unknown, unknown. 3rd row: Bright Newhouse, unknown, unknown, unknown, Ben Newhouse. 4th row: unknown. Teacher: Annie Beason. Photo and names provided by Larry Dobbs."},{"img_id":104,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":85,"img_num":4,"img_name":"shiloh_1938.jpg","img_caption":"Shiloh School 1938 \r\nTop row: Charles Dehyle, Mrs. Josephine Leach (teacher), Neva Lou Newhouse, Lou Williams, Mattie Bell Jones, Ivan Wilson, S. B. Jones. Borrom row: Valta Mae Newhouse, Betty Joe Deyhle, Rita Ann Morris, Finis Jones, Ray Williams, Millard Teague, Billy Mac Teague, James Lee Teague, Melvin Jones. Photo and names provided by Larry Dobbs."},{"img_id":105,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":85,"img_num":5,"img_name":"shiloh_1921.jpg","img_caption":"Shiloh School 1921 \r\nTop row: Luke McIntyre, Hubert Self, Myrtle Eddins, Winnie Bell, Pearl Welch, Neta McIntyre, Lois Bell, Pinkie Lou Bell, Mattie Bell McIntrye, Jeff McIntyre (Teacher). 2nd row: Allen \"Buck\" Bell, Homer Bell, Oliver Edwards, Jeannie Green, Johnnie Wright, unknown, unknown, unknown, Alvis Eddins, Leck Rowton, Cliff Bell. 3rd row: Leck Jones, Golda Broadfoot, Myrle Bell, Opal Tommlin, Viola, Myrtle Edwards, Cless Self, unknown, Bernice Bell, unknown, unknown. Bottom row: Ventie Edwards, Gordon Lochridge, unknown, Holly Bell. Photo and names from Larry Dobbs."},{"img_id":106,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":85,"img_num":6,"img_name":"shiloh_first.jpg","img_caption":"Thought to be the first one room school house at Shiloh. From the collection of \r\nBottom Row, left to right: Paul Whirley, Edwin Rigsby, Hugh Rigsby, Willard Luttrell, Eugene Winchester, Bert Spelce, Earl Cobb, Herbert Carter.<\/p> \r\nSecond row, left to right: Hubert Whirley, Thurman Spelce, Alvin Whirley, Icie Raye Whirley, Lois Cobb, Wilma Luttrell, Lois WInchester, Francis Spelce, Leon Winchester, Ernest Spelce.<\/p> \r\nThird row, left to right: Ethelene Whirley, Wincie Whirley, Susie Shirley, Lucille Killough, Edith Winchester, Vesta Lee, Mattie Spelce, Pete Richardson.<\/p> \r\nFourth row, left to right: Miss Exa Landers, teacher: Clarence Richardson, Mable McAlister, Ivan Whirley, Lola Carter, Loyd Wincheter, Willie Lou Lee, Thelma Killough.<\/p>"},{"img_id":224,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":90,"img_num":2,"img_name":"springhill_1922.jpg","img_caption":"Spring Hill School 1922<\/p> \r\nFront row:\r\n\r\nLeon Johnson, Cleo Spelce, Harvey Crow, Woodrow Shaw, Jesse and James Johnson (twins), Carl Spelce, _____________, Olive Jones (?)<\/br>\r\nMiddle Row: ______ Roden, Zora Belle Smith, Inez Roden, George Hodges, _____ Crow(?), __________, _______, __________, _______, __________Roden \r\nFor additional photos, click on the Photo Gallery link below."},{"img_id":108,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":97,"img_num":2,"img_name":"truss_2.jpg","img_caption":"Photo provided by |285|."},{"img_id":109,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":97,"img_num":3,"img_name":"truss_3.jpg","img_caption":"Photo provided by |285|."},{"img_id":181,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":104,"img_num":1,"img_name":"willowgrove 1922.jpg","img_caption":"Willow Grove School Year 1922 and 1923: Meds Rayner, Beda Mayner, Rosa Mayner, Euba Montgomery, Elmer Montgomery, Gladys Casper, Ruby Rowland, Mamie Fields, Zona Fields, Hosmer Fields, Mildred Gray, Verda Barnett, Thelma Barnett, Dixie Payne, Jewell Rowland, Bernice Owens, Viola Owens, Gladys Whitt, Gladys Moses, Dewey Moses, John Moses, Forest Moses, Sam Hill, Cleveland Owens, George Casper, Thomas Casper, Luscion Beaners, Hattiway girl, teachers Mr. Keith and Geraldine Smith. Students were identified by Euba Montgomery Mayner. \r\n\r\nTop row: Jack Curtis, Helen Dodd, Jack Avery, Wilma Dell Melton, Doris Ricketts, Roy Rigsly, Grace Richardson, Elmer Butler, Ray Collard<\/p> \r\nSecond row: Way Alexander, Christine Miles, Willie G. Woodard, Jack Ridge, Jack Luttrell, ___, Frances Hewitt, Ina Pearl Luttrell, Doris Owens, Ruby Elliott (teacher)<\/p> \r\n\r\nThird Row: Lillian Ruth Longmire, Dwight Owens, J. R. Butler, Sidney Parrish, Edythbell Clark; Mary Helen Crossland, Betty Lou ??, Dolly Rayburn"},{"img_id":191,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":105,"img_num":2,"img_name":"windom_1928 back.jpg","img_caption":"Back of 1928-29 Class picture for 1st and 2nd grades"},{"img_id":192,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":105,"img_num":3,"img_name":"windom_ 1936.jpg","img_caption":"1936<\/p> \r\nBack Row: Eldon Franklin, Miss Elizabeth Council, Harvey Melton, Geraldine West, May Bigham, Jack Melton, Miss Alma Witherspoon, Ruby Lee Cassel, Joe Neil Raspberry<\/p> \r\nFront Row: Mary Nicely, Garvin Holman, Aylene Collard, Frank Howell, Fage Ratliff, Aline Hawkins"},{"img_id":193,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":105,"img_num":4,"img_name":"windom_1937.jpg","img_caption":"1937<\/p> \r\nBack: Beryle Hollaway; Artherine Self; Evelyn Runkle, Dorothy Maxley; Leroy Riddles, Lyda Mae Chaney, Blanche Holman, Helen Manuel<\/p>\r\nFront: Elizabeth Patton, Charleen White<\/sa>\r\nNot shown: Bonnie Brumit"},{"img_id":194,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":105,"img_num":5,"img_name":"windom_1928_5.jpg","img_caption":"Windom, 1928, 5th & 6th Grades<\/p> \r\n\r\nTop Row: Lloyd Hill, Charlie Rigsby, Nell Dowlin, Aleta Pulliam, Doss Clark, Nettie Elizabeth Underwood, Ora Walker<\/p> \r\n\r\nSecond Row from Top: Joe Goy, John D. Ricketts, Mason Armstrong, Jack Melton, Willie May Roy, Lois Buttler, Orville Owens, Peggy Kinslow (teacher)<\/p> \r\n\r\nThird Row from Top: Coy Parrish, Leroy Owens, Melvin Curtis, John William Mathew, W. J. Miles, Bo Wheeler, John Chaney<\/p> \r\n\r\nFourth Row fro Top: George Anderson, Holland Self, Roy Collard<\/p>"},{"img_id":195,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":105,"img_num":6,"img_name":"windom_1928_5_back.jpg","img_caption":"Back of 1928 5th & 6th Grade photo."},{"img_id":221,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":105,"img_num":7,"img_name":"windom_1928_8.jpg","img_caption":"Windom School, Eighth Grade, 1928-29<\/p> \r\n\r\nFront Row: Bud Bullard, Robert Lee, Jesse Claude Rigsby, Carl Spelce The photograph of the 1914 class was submitted by |28|.<\/p>\r\n The Photograph came from a family in Abilene. The list below comes from a book which had the same photograph printed in it.<\/p>"},{"img_id":112,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":106,"img_num":3,"img_name":"woods_school_2.jpg","img_caption":"Woods School Photograph, year unknown"},{"img_id":113,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":107,"img_num":1,"img_name":"sch_monkstown1934.jpg","img_caption":"Monkstown School Picture about 1934<\/sa> This picture was sent to us by Mrs. L. L. Clark of Monkstown. the group is the 1930 High School Class at Monkstown.<\/p> Top Row: A. H. Fletcher, Paul Davis, Elmer Morrison, Mr. J. J. Fletcher, Teacher, Wymer Smith, Wendell Smith and R. Davis.<\/p> 2nd Row from top: Vestal Gray, Zula Harris, Cornelius Williams, Omer Morrison, Opal Russell, Ruby Hinkle, Edna Lee Gray and Mildred Wells.<\/p> 3rd RoW from top: Gordie Williams, Alice Slagle, Wilma Hart, M. E. Hardin, Effie Hart, Birdie Lynch, Mary Morrison, Jewel Lynch and Ruth Richardson.<\/p> Bottom Row: W. T. Merrell, David Wortham, Glenn French, Onid Wells and William Branson.<\/p>"},{"img_id":116,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":107,"img_num":5,"img_name":"sch_monkstown.jpg","img_caption":""},{"img_id":117,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":107,"img_num":6,"img_name":"sch_monkstown2.jpg","img_caption":""},{"img_id":118,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":107,"img_num":7,"img_name":"sch_monkstown3.jpg","img_caption":""},{"img_id":178,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":107,"img_num":8,"img_name":"monkstown_1897.jpg","img_caption":""},{"img_id":119,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":109,"img_num":1,"img_name":"greens_1937.jpg","img_caption":"Green's Chapel School 1937 Top row: Teachers Oleta Crutchfield Decker and Allie Cuttrell Davis, Clarice Banker, Bill McDowell, Herschel Newhouse. Middle row: Vaughn Todd, Lavon Newhouse, T. J. Todd, Leroy Breece, Jack Darossett, Bill Newhouse, Gayle Todd, Don Breece or Jack Newhouse, Dale Newhouse, J. L. Newhouse, Elgin Tyler. Front row: Morris Lee Tyler, Wesley Wright, Willy Martin, Manon Breece, Glynis Newhouse, Dortha Newhouse, Winifred Banker, Wilma Newhouse, Dean McDowell, Dace Darossett, Frances Self. Photo and names provided by Larry Dobbs. \r\nFor additional photos click on the \"View Photo Gallery\" link below."},{"img_id":120,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":109,"img_num":2,"img_name":"greens_1930.jpg","img_caption":"Green's Chapel School 1930 or 1931 \r\nTop Row: S. L. Todd (teacher), Roscoe Byrd, Kenneth Tyler, Lena Hess. Front row: R. C. Davis, Malcolm Newhouse, Billy Hess, Beryl Tyler, Billie June Davis, Agatha Wright, Francis Todd. Photo and names provided by Larry Dobbs."},{"img_id":121,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":109,"img_num":3,"img_name":"greens_1912.jpg","img_caption":"Green's Chapel School 1912 Top row: Minnie Burkett, Eunice Walker Wright Todd, Irene Newhouse Wright, Wily Girl, Lillie Self, Birdie Burket. 2nd row: Henry Davis, Albert Tyler, Walter Newhouse, Medie Newhouse, unknown, Evert Todd, Arthur, Tyler, unknown, Mr. Ball (teacher). 3rd row: Newhouse, Crace Walker, Minnie Tyler, Mary Tyler. 4th row: Claude Burkett, Bessie McDow, Hugh McDow, Toy Burkett, Eunice Burkett."},{"img_id":122,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":109,"img_num":4,"img_name":"greens_1920.jpg","img_caption":"Green's Chapel School 1918 or 1920 \r\nTeacher: Will Bumpas. Top row: unknown, Easter Newhouse, __ Todd, Florence Timmons Avent, Maude Timmons Banker, Birdie Burkett Martin, unknown, unknown, unknown, unknown, Evert Todd, unknown, unknown, unknown. 2nd row: Minnie Tyler Winningham, Mary Tyler, Zelma Conance Self(?), Velma Timmons Coble, unknown, unknown, Bessie Byrd Newhouse, unknown, unknown, unknown, unknown, unknown, unknown, unknown, unknown, Levi Burkett, unknown. 3rd row: Eunice Burkett (?), unknown, unknown, Icea Darosett, Kate Darosett, unknown, unknown, Sis Darosett, unknown. Front row: George Alvin Newhouse, unknown, unknown, unknown, unknown, Loyd Timmons, unknown, Walter \"Bud\" Darosett, Elbert Timmons, S. L. Todd, John Calvin Newhouse. Photo and names provided by Larry Dobbs."},{"img_id":123,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":109,"img_num":5,"img_name":"green_1910.jpg","img_caption":"Green's Chapel School 1910 \r\nTop row: Albert Tyler, Herb Wright, Lillie Self, Minnie Burkett, Irene Wright, Eunice Walker, Linton Newhouse, Unknown, Walter Newhouse and Henry Davis. Minnie and Mary Tyler in the front row. Photo and names contributed by Larry Dobbs."},{"img_id":124,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":110,"img_num":1,"img_name":"selfs_1910.jpg","img_caption":"Selfs School about 1910. \r\nFor additional photos, click \"View Photo Gallery\" below."},{"img_id":125,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":110,"img_num":2,"img_name":"selfs_1925.jpg","img_caption":"Selfs School around 1925 \r\nPhoto contributed by Larry Dobbs."},{"img_id":126,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":110,"img_num":3,"img_name":"selfs_basketball_pic.jpg","img_caption":"Selfs Basketball Team around 1920's. \r\nFront row: Luther Newberry, unknown, Calvin Hightower, Troy Dobbs. Back row: Luther \"Pete\" Gauldin, Archie Bumpas, unknown, Louis Shipman. Photo provided by Larry Dobbs."},{"img_id":130,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":110,"img_num":4,"img_name":"selfs_1925a.jpg","img_caption":"Selfs School - 1925<\/p> \r\nBack (6th): Jeff McIntyre, teacher, Susan Bell, Walter Dobbs, Winnie Morrison, Wilburn Wilkins, Helen Newhouse, __ Cox, S.L. Todd, Estellene Newhouse, Alvie Winningham, L.C. Johnson, Clarence Denison, ? , ?<\/p> \r\n5th row: Clarence Hightower, Herman Johnson, ?, Aubrey Winningham, ___Gilbert, ___Bumpass, ___Gilbert, Lela Winningham, Stella Dobbs, Erma Whittenberg, Grace Newhouse, ___Darossett<\/p> \r\n4th row: ?, Bud Darossett, ?, Nina Gauldin, ?, ___Cox, ?, Iviw Bell, ?, Olga Winningham, ?, Kate Darossett<\/p> \r\n3rd row: ___Lockridge, Ivey Gauldin, Midford Bass, ? ___Johnson, Minta Newhouse, ?, Selma Darossett, ?, Frank Dobbs, Frances Whittenberg, ?, ?<\/p> \r\n2nd row: Nuel Roddy (holding hat), ___Lockridge<\/p> \r\nFront row: Edith Johnson next ot Mae McIntyre (teacher), ?, __ Collins, with little sister in front, ?, at end.<\/p> \r\nPhoto from the Collection of the Estate of John and Thelma Black. Names from |208|."},{"img_id":286,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":112,"img_num":1,"img_name":"dodd_city 1901.jpg","img_caption":""},{"img_id":287,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":112,"img_num":2,"img_name":"dodd_city_1929.jpg","img_caption":"1929 Dodd City Junior and Senior Class<\/p> \r\n\r\n1st Row: Gertrude Callahan, ___ Fox, Joyce McKenzie, Dudie Stevens, Irene Thompson, and Martha Fox<\/p> \r\n\r\n2nd Row: Floyd Pope, Principal boy, Gail Culbreath, boy, Freeman Nichols, Algie Goyer, Harlan Brides, and Glen Fletcher, Superintendent<\/p> \r\n\r\n3rd Row: George Melton, Judith Rayburn, Woodrow Alder, Winfield Wilson, Beulah Fletcher, and Ralph Fletcher"},{"img_id":165,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":119,"img_num":1,"img_name":"bralley_pendleton_na.jpg","img_caption":"Newspaper article about placement of Historical Marker at Bralley-Pendleton School."},{"img_id":284,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":121,"img_num":1,"img_name":"bailey 1928.jpg","img_caption":"Photo of a Bailey school class in 1928 provided by Betty Day. This photograph was found in the scrapbook of her grandmother, Elizabeth Rutz Easley. Richard and Elizabeth Easley lived in Bailey, Fannin, TX and Celeste, Hunt, TX. Marked on the back of this photo is: Row 2, 2nd from left, black coat, Ethel Imogene Easley, beside her Bernard Clayton in V sweater. Row 3 center in front of teacher in overalls, Richard Lewis Easley."},{"img_id":172,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":122,"img_num":1,"img_name":"flag_spring_school.jpg","img_caption":"Flag Spring Community School"},{"img_id":173,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":122,"img_num":2,"img_name":"flag_spring_1908.jpg","img_caption":"Front Row - 1st on left: Newt Yarborough; 2nd from left: Earl Perry \r\n\r\nPictured above is the McClellan School, 1930-31, \r\n\r\n First row: Darrel Capehart, Donald Burnett, ?, Jesse Wayne Hill, Ray Teel, ?,?. Second Row: Edward Jenkins, Richard Finley, ?, Hannah Sue Allen, ?, ?, ?, Joann Mason. Third Row: Delores Ann Tidwell (Sissy Smith), Jo Ann Bellows (Large), Barbara Lambert, Janie Sue Cooksey, Addie Magaret Orndorff, Patsy Sewell ?. Fourth Row: Patricia Ann Bellows, Wanda Jean Baker, Wayne Sheridan, Edward ?, Jerry Locke, Leslie Witherspoon."},{"img_id":232,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":129,"img_num":2,"img_name":"ector_2.jpg","img_caption":"Second and Third Grades Old Orangeville School \u2014 Paul Bowen came up with the above photo of the students of the Old Orangeville School. This photo was taken in 1910. Pictured in the upper photo are: Top Row, left to right: Alice Cates, Tenie Booher Muirhead, Vela Mayes Halliburton, Jack Cooper, Bertha Pruitt Brown, Mack Richy, Tom Brown, Frank Wilson, Ina Ross Moody, Ruby Brown Ramsey, Dee Patterson, Ruth Valentine McCoy, Lucille Sanders Watson, Zepha Wilson Scott. Bottom Row: Claude Cooper, Lillie Brown Pace, Bell Mayes Sewell, Kate Mayes Bowen, Johnnie Wilson, Clarice Hogue Dodson, Chelsea Ross, Jimmie Wilson, Oral Henry, Bernice Bowenn and Vestal Parsegin. John Henry at extreme left was teacher.<\/p>\r\n\r\n Lower Photo: Top row: ___________ Dollar, ___________ Dollar, Maudie Cooper, Ruth Mayes Looney, Delores Henry, Mike Hoglue, Elvin Petry, Bill Franklie, Randle Taylor, Paul Bowen, Willie Natien, Dina Franklin, Pearl Walker Chener, Fern Brown Wolfe, Glen Lewallen, Frank Wallace, Bill Franklin, Darrell Carter, Audrey Labur Hardeman, Mildred Ross Sanderson, Lyde Ross, Ladde Ross, Merendna Ross, Lara Ross, Mary Derther Ross Jones, Helen Mae Henry, Percy Ross, Lorene Robason Drake, _________ Lewellen, Mable Adams, Unknown, Mammie Perry Hogue, Leslie Wallace, Berie Richey, Lynn Parsagin, Clarence Magers, Ben Hoger, Vestal Valentine, Bill Petry, Burnett St. John, R. D. Hymer, Gerald Carter, Bur\u2026. \u2026\u2026\u2026.. Charles Barry [?], Marie Valentine, Clarine Magers, Jess Lewallen, Walter Petty and Aleck Kuha.<\/p>"},{"img_id":238,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":141,"img_num":2,"img_name":"orangeville_school2.jpg","img_caption":""},{"img_id":239,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":141,"img_num":3,"img_name":"orangeville_school3.jpg","img_caption":""},{"img_id":240,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":141,"img_num":4,"img_name":"orangeville_school4.jpg","img_caption":""},{"img_id":241,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":141,"img_num":5,"img_name":"orangeville_school5.jpg","img_caption":""},{"img_id":242,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":141,"img_num":6,"img_name":"orangeville_school6.jpg","img_caption":""},{"img_id":243,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":141,"img_num":7,"img_name":"orangeville_sunday_school.jpg","img_caption":""},{"img_id":244,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":142,"img_num":1,"img_name":"lamasco2.jpg","img_caption":""},{"img_id":245,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":142,"img_num":2,"img_name":"lamasco3.jpg","img_caption":"Back of photo says: Year 1931 \r\nStanding on Proch: John Newhouse, Tom Newhouse, Frank Dobbs. \r\nTwo men standing at right: Sam Newhouse and Jeff Dobbs. \r\nAdult ladies form left: Lois Smith, Holly Opal Newhouse, Rosa Bell, Janice Brown, Britmarte Whittenberg, Mary Lou Dobbs, Marie Winningham, Nadine Bell, Marjorie Lochridge. \r\nChildren and youngn ladies: Rosa Newhouse, Cordelia Hewhouse, Marjorie Smith, Rogene Brown, Martha Jo Brown, Margy Smith (holdling Sammy Leverett), Maurine Smith."},{"img_id":183,"img_cat":"Town","img_cat_fk":105,"img_num":1,"img_name":"newharmony_church.jpg","img_caption":"New Harmony Church. Photo provided by the Burleson History Center. Muriel Burleson thought the church was Baptist but that preachers from other denominations preached there from time to time."},{"img_id":188,"img_cat":"Town","img_cat_fk":105,"img_num":2,"img_name":"newharmony_bible.jpg","img_caption":"Photo of a New Harmony bible study teachers picnic taken at Bois d'arc Springs north of Honey Grove.<\/p> \r\n\r\nBack row: Bill Call, ??, Thelma Cummins, Bessie Wisdom, Lucile Honeycutt, Eva Champion<\/p> \r\nFront row: ??, Malcom Massey, Hershel Clements, Halley Massey, Floyd Wisdom "},{"img_id":189,"img_cat":"Town","img_cat_fk":105,"img_num":3,"img_name":"newharmony_bible2.jpg","img_caption":""}]}
\r\nMiss Ruby Keith<\/b>
\r\nFidelis Bible Class
\r\nFirst Baptist Church, Dallas, Texas
\r\nMrs. D. A. Wills<\/b>
\r\n\"Elizabeth Redner\"<\/p>"},{"img_id":350,"img_cat":"Church","img_cat_fk":3,"img_num":8,"img_name":"winlad10.jpg","img_caption":"
\r\nRev. W. L. Foster
Mildred Foster<\/b>
\r\n"},{"img_id":13,"img_cat":"Church","img_cat_fk":5,"img_num":1,"img_name":"hail_methodist_1930s_pic2.jpg","img_caption":"This is the original building of the Hail Methodist Church."},{"img_id":14,"img_cat":"Church","img_cat_fk":5,"img_num":2,"img_name":"hail_methodist2.jpg","img_caption":"The Hail United Methodist Church building in this photo was purchased from the Christian Church congregation in 1938, and moved one quarter mile. Source of photo and information: The United Methodist Church cooperative Ministry. 1977."},{"img_id":174,"img_cat":"Church","img_cat_fk":6,"img_num":1,"img_name":"selfs_churchofchrist.jpg","img_caption":"The History of the Selfs Church of Christ began in 1885 when Brother Ethridge held the first meeting and baptized thirty people. They met in the Grange Hall (a farmer's organization in that community at that time). They met in this hall for two or three years and then built their first building. Among the thirty who started the congregation were Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Bell and daughter, Mrs. W. F. Whittenburg, Mr. and Mrs. Will Broadfoot, Mr. A. J. Pitts and daughter, Donna Pitts, and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Smith. The first church building was later moved to a new location and they ceased to meet about 1920.\r\n\r\nThe congregation resumed meeting in 1931 in a building belonging to the Christian Church in the Selfs community.\r\n\r\nThe Christian Church building was purchased by the Selfs Church of Christ in 1944 and a lot purchased facing the FM highway and the building moved to this location.\r\n\r\nIn November 1955 the new modern building shown above was started, and the building was completed early in 1958. The church at the present time has some 40 members."},{"img_id":347,"img_cat":"Church","img_cat_fk":6,"img_num":2,"img_name":"selfs_churchofchrist_1938.jpg","img_caption":"Selfs Church of Christ 1938-39\r\n
\r\nTwo men standing at right: Sam Newhouse and Jeff Dobbs.
\r\nAdult ladies from left: Lois Smith, Holly Opal Newhouse, Rosa Bell, Janice Brown, Britmarte Whittenberg, Mary Lou Dobbs, Marie Winningham, Nadine Bell, Marjorie Lochridge.
\r\nChildren and young ladies: Rosa Newhouse, Cordelia Newhouse, Marjorie Smith, Rogene Brown, Martha Jo Brown, Margy Smith (holdling Sammy Leverett), Maurine Smith.<\/p>"},{"img_id":15,"img_cat":"Church","img_cat_fk":12,"img_num":1,"img_name":"bailey_methodistfirst.jpg","img_caption":"The original Methodist Church in Bailey, built around 1890.
\r\nBack Row: B. F. Shelton, G. G. Lane, H. L. Allen, W. D. Moore, N. H. Lane, H. B. Savage, C. B. Trout, R. M. McCleary, N. L. Hales, L. N. Brode, F. W. Horetman
\r\nMrs. H. B. Savage, Teacher
\r\nTaken December 5, 1937"},{"img_id":139,"img_cat":"Church","img_cat_fk":18,"img_num":3,"img_name":"honeygrove_mainstreet_presbyterian3.jpg","img_caption":""},{"img_id":140,"img_cat":"Church","img_cat_fk":18,"img_num":4,"img_name":"honeygrove_mainstreet_presbyterian4.jpg","img_caption":""},{"img_id":141,"img_cat":"Church","img_cat_fk":18,"img_num":5,"img_name":"honeygrove_mainstreet_presbyterian5.jpg","img_caption":"January 25, 1948"},{"img_id":142,"img_cat":"Church","img_cat_fk":18,"img_num":6,"img_name":"honeygrove_mainstreet_presbyterian6.jpg","img_caption":""},{"img_id":144,"img_cat":"Church","img_cat_fk":18,"img_num":7,"img_name":"honeygrove_mainstreet_presbyterian8.jpg","img_caption":"Thanks to Howard Moore, great grandson of George and Bessie Groves, for providing this photo."},{"img_id":145,"img_cat":"Church","img_cat_fk":18,"img_num":8,"img_name":"honeygrove_mainstreet_presbyterian9.jpg","img_caption":"Wedding of Deidra Dickson with stained glass windows in the background."},{"img_id":146,"img_cat":"Church","img_cat_fk":18,"img_num":9,"img_name":"honeygrove_mainstreet_presbyterian10.jpg","img_caption":""},{"img_id":147,"img_cat":"Church","img_cat_fk":18,"img_num":10,"img_name":"honeygrove_mainstreet_presbyterian11.jpg","img_caption":""},{"img_id":148,"img_cat":"Church","img_cat_fk":18,"img_num":11,"img_name":"honeygrove_mainstreet_presbyterian12.jpg","img_caption":"East Window. Photo by Donna Boykin."},{"img_id":150,"img_cat":"Church","img_cat_fk":18,"img_num":12,"img_name":"honeygrove_mainstreet_presbyterian14.jpg","img_caption":"Detail from East Window. Photo by Donna Boykin."},{"img_id":149,"img_cat":"Church","img_cat_fk":18,"img_num":13,"img_name":"honeygrove_mainstreet_presbyterian13.jpg","img_caption":"Photo by Donna Boykin."},{"img_id":151,"img_cat":"Church","img_cat_fk":18,"img_num":14,"img_name":"honeygrove_mainstreet_presbyterian15.jpg","img_caption":"East Window - Additional view from Cindy Penn."},{"img_id":152,"img_cat":"Church","img_cat_fk":18,"img_num":15,"img_name":"honeygrove_mainstreet_presbyterian16.jpg","img_caption":"East Center \"McKee\" Window. Photo from Cindy Penn."},{"img_id":153,"img_cat":"Church","img_cat_fk":18,"img_num":16,"img_name":"honeygrove_mainstreet_presbyterian17.jpg","img_caption":"McKee windon detail. Photo from Cindy Penn."},{"img_id":154,"img_cat":"Church","img_cat_fk":18,"img_num":17,"img_name":"honeygrove_mainstreet_presbyterian18.jpg","img_caption":"North side Bagby window. Photo by Cindy Penn."},{"img_id":155,"img_cat":"Church","img_cat_fk":18,"img_num":18,"img_name":"honeygrove_mainstreet_presbyterian19.jpg","img_caption":"North side Bagby window detail. Photo by Cindy Pinn."},{"img_id":158,"img_cat":"Church","img_cat_fk":18,"img_num":19,"img_name":"honeygrove_mainstreet_presbyterian20.jpg","img_caption":"Christmas Services"},{"img_id":159,"img_cat":"Church","img_cat_fk":18,"img_num":20,"img_name":"honeygrove_mainstreet_presbyterian21.jpg","img_caption":""},{"img_id":160,"img_cat":"Church","img_cat_fk":18,"img_num":21,"img_name":"honeygrove_mainstreet_presbyterian22.jpg","img_caption":"Easter"},{"img_id":161,"img_cat":"Church","img_cat_fk":18,"img_num":22,"img_name":"honeygrove_mainstreet_presbyterian23.jpg","img_caption":""},{"img_id":162,"img_cat":"Church","img_cat_fk":18,"img_num":23,"img_name":"honeygrove_mainstreet-presbyterian24.jpg","img_caption":"Photo of Main Street Presbyterian Church members about 1912 provided by |371|. Mary Virginia Yoakum Johnson is 5th from the right on the front row."},{"img_id":163,"img_cat":"Church","img_cat_fk":22,"img_num":1,"img_name":"portland_church2.jpg","img_caption":"Portland Congregational Methodist Church"},{"img_id":164,"img_cat":"Church","img_cat_fk":22,"img_num":2,"img_name":"portland_tabernacle.jpg","img_caption":"The tabernacle stands next to the Portland Church."},{"img_id":274,"img_cat":"Memorial","img_cat_fk":93,"img_num":1,"img_name":"alexander_cc_bio3.jpg","img_caption":"Biographical article from <\/i>Bonham 52 Years Ago<\/i> about C. C. Alexander. [Section 1]"},{"img_id":277,"img_cat":"Memorial","img_cat_fk":93,"img_num":2,"img_name":"alexander_cc_bio3b.jpg","img_caption":"Biographical article from Bonham 52 Years Ago about C. C. Alexander. [Section 2]"},{"img_id":282,"img_cat":"Memorial","img_cat_fk":93,"img_num":3,"img_name":"alexander_cc_bio4.jpg","img_caption":"Biographical article from Bonham 52 Years Ago about C. C. Alexander. [Section 3]"},{"img_id":295,"img_cat":"Memorial","img_cat_fk":93,"img_num":4,"img_name":"alexander_cc_obit5.jpg","img_caption":"Biographical article from Bonham 52 Years Ago about C. C. Alexander. [Section 4]"},{"img_id":363,"img_cat":"Memorial","img_cat_fk":21391,"img_num":1,"img_name":"johnsonrifle1.jpg","img_caption":"\"Rifle that was carried by Samuel Johnson who was the brother of my GG GF Abraham Johnson\". Submitted by |77|."},{"img_id":364,"img_cat":"Memorial","img_cat_fk":21391,"img_num":2,"img_name":"johnsonrifle2.jpg","img_caption":"Samuel's rifle was donated to the Texas Ranger Hall of Fame. Submitted by |77|."},{"img_id":302,"img_cat":"Memorial","img_cat_fk":24853,"img_num":1,"img_name":"mcneal_idella_pic.jpg","img_caption":""},{"img_id":313,"img_cat":"Memorial","img_cat_fk":24853,"img_num":2,"img_name":"mcneal_idella_pic2.jpg","img_caption":""},{"img_id":167,"img_cat":"Memorial","img_cat_fk":56664,"img_num":1,"img_name":"fogle_rl_jones_nora_pic.jpg","img_caption":"R. L. Fogle and his mother, Nora Belle Jones Fogle"},{"img_id":211,"img_cat":"Memorial","img_cat_fk":56664,"img_num":2,"img_name":"fogle_rl _pic3.jpg","img_caption":"
San Marcos, Texas as the photographer.
\"Bonham & Whitewright\""},{"img_id":24,"img_cat":"Mystery","img_cat_fk":2,"img_num":2,"img_name":"twomentintype.jpg","img_caption":"Two unknown men ~ Tintype"},{"img_id":25,"img_cat":"Mystery","img_cat_fk":2,"img_num":3,"img_name":"fathoto.jpg","img_caption":"Family in Clarksville, Texas - \"WW Rocketts\""},{"img_id":26,"img_cat":"Mystery","img_cat_fk":3,"img_num":1,"img_name":"hockett_photo_1.jpg","img_caption":"Photo of Hockett Family of Fannin Co."},{"img_id":27,"img_cat":"Mystery","img_cat_fk":3,"img_num":2,"img_name":"hockett_photo_2.jpg","img_caption":"Writing on back is hard to read
\r\n\"Grandpa and Grandma Hockett\"
\r\n\"Sam(?) and Sarah E. Hockett\"
\r\nAlphonso Hockett
\r\nFred and Laura Hockett
\r\nEdgar Hockett
\r\n\"Not sure about others\""},{"img_id":28,"img_cat":"Mystery","img_cat_fk":4,"img_num":1,"img_name":"applewagon.jpg","img_caption":"Family in wagon."},{"img_id":29,"img_cat":"Mystery","img_cat_fk":5,"img_num":1,"img_name":"applefamilyn.jpg","img_caption":"Maybe a school photo?"},{"img_id":30,"img_cat":"Mystery","img_cat_fk":8,"img_num":1,"img_name":"baldunk1.jpg","img_caption":"Photo 1"},{"img_id":31,"img_cat":"Mystery","img_cat_fk":8,"img_num":2,"img_name":"baldunk2.jpg","img_caption":"Photo 2"},{"img_id":32,"img_cat":"Mystery","img_cat_fk":8,"img_num":3,"img_name":"baldunk3.jpg","img_caption":"Photo 3"},{"img_id":33,"img_cat":"Mystery","img_cat_fk":9,"img_num":1,"img_name":"campmaxey1.jpg","img_caption":"The arrow marks Virginia Lee Simmons, b. Sep 6, 1923. She worked at Camp Maxey (Lamar Co.) from July 19, 1945 to September 30, 1945."},{"img_id":34,"img_cat":"Mystery","img_cat_fk":10,"img_num":1,"img_name":"scottfamc.jpg","img_caption":"This picture is of George Walter Scott and Family: From L to R:
George Walter Scott 1861-1939
Mary Katherine Scott 1909 - 1995
Catherine A. McGill Scott 1985 - ?
Lillian Frances Scott 1900-1976
Geneva Scott 1905 - ?
Gaston D. Scott 1893 - 1929 or 1930"},{"img_id":35,"img_cat":"Mystery","img_cat_fk":10,"img_num":2,"img_name":"scottfamc2.jpg","img_caption":"The Scott Brother's grocery stores.
The Scott Brothers (George & William Carroll) had a store on 6th St. in Honey Grove. Gaston D. Scott opened one in Elektra. In the original picture it is easy to see that bottles in the front are a 7-Up display. 7-Up was not invented until 1929, so we aren't sure the Scott Brother's Grocery in Honey Grove was still open then. Does this store look familiar to anyone?"},{"img_id":36,"img_cat":"Mystery","img_cat_fk":11,"img_num":1,"img_name":"crowson1.jpg","img_caption":"The girl appears in the last photograph."},{"img_id":37,"img_cat":"Mystery","img_cat_fk":11,"img_num":2,"img_name":"crowson2.jpg","img_caption":"The person in this photo is unknown."},{"img_id":38,"img_cat":"Mystery","img_cat_fk":11,"img_num":3,"img_name":"crowson3.jpg","img_caption":"The following photos don't show Honey
Grove on them but they are also unnamed
and could be related."},{"img_id":39,"img_cat":"Mystery","img_cat_fk":11,"img_num":4,"img_name":"crowson4.jpg","img_caption":"The individual in this photo is unknown."},{"img_id":40,"img_cat":"Mystery","img_cat_fk":12,"img_num":1,"img_name":"3girlz.jpg","img_caption":"This is one of the photos we received from
my husband's cousin. This one doesn't
have a studio name on it. The girls are so
cute, dressed in their pretty clothes and
fancy bows.
\r\n\r\n Photo courtesy of Mildred Neely"},{"img_id":250,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":2,"img_num":4,"img_name":"allens_chapel_1928.jpg","img_caption":"ALLENS CHAPEL SCHOOL 1928 - 1929: Back row, left to right: Elmer Neely, Bezzie Bradshaw, Heck Witcher, Myrtle Johnson, Pauline Cornelius, Mary Sue Richardson, Helen Johnson, Lewis Jones, Ocie Bradshaw, and Lonnie Cleo Jones.
\r\nSecond row, left to right: Mrs. Ruth Ramsey (teacher and principal), Jack Richardson, Gertrude Albers, Frances Loschke, Ray Yoakum, Opal Cornelius, Gladys Bradshaw, Jewell Cornelius, Evelyn Hoffman and Johnnie Jeffery (teacher).
\r\n Third row, left to right: Nan Lewis Bright, Earl Witcher, Willie Y. Prickett, Ruby Neely, Gwendolyn Oakley, Mildred Witcher, Cleo Vessels, Troy Bradshaw, Joe Wayne Yoakum and Homer Loschke.
\r\nFourth row, left to right: Gladys Jones, Dorothy Nell Chapman, Faye Swatzrock, Billie June Witcher, Edna Franklin, Maxie Jones, Ella Roberts, Merle Ramsey, Lillie Sue Roberts (and little sister), Alyene Franklin and Lucille Jones.
\r\nFifth row, left to right: Eric Hoffman, Joe Johnson, Marvin Loschke, James Johnson, Roy Thomas Cornelius, Troy Hohenberger, Carl Bradshaw, Murrell Parrish, Junior Witcher, and Roy Swatzrock.
\r\n\r\n- Photo is courtesy of Mrs. Troy Bradshaw and Lucille Jones"},{"img_id":251,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":2,"img_num":5,"img_name":"allens_chapel_1929.jpg","img_caption":"ALLENS CHAPEL SCHOOL CLASS OF 1929 - 1930: Back row, left to right: Joe Johnson, Billie June Witcher, James Johnson, Vernon Wilson, Roy Thomas Cornelius
\r\nFront row, left to right: Delmer Bradshaw, Carl Bradshaw, Roy Dee Wilson and Leonard Witcher, Jr.
\r\n- Photo courtesy of Delmer Bradshaw"},{"img_id":252,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":2,"img_num":6,"img_name":"allens_chapel_1937.jpg","img_caption":"1937 ALLENS CHAPEL SCHOOL CHOIR: The Allens Chapel School Choir in front of the Bonham High School Auditorium in 1937. Left side, from top to bottom: 1st - ?, 2nd - Frances Durham, 3rd - Ralph Odum, 4th - Thelma Ruth Durham, 5th - ? (just top of head), 6th - Wilma Dutton, 7th - Gerald Odum and 8th - ?. Right side, top to bottom: 1st - Dorothy Witcher, 2nd - Kathryn Parrish or Earl Cornelius, 3rd - James Young, 4th - Betty Faye Jordan, 5th - John Royce Jordan or John Rex Witcher, 6th - Joe Witcher, 7th - Lela Jane Young, 8th - ? Center row, left to right, Margie Sue Cornelius, Jack Ramsey, Orva Lee Bradshaw, and Mary Lou Cornelius. Seated on step -Reba Witcher.
\r\n- Photo courtesy of Mabel Holmes"},{"img_id":253,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":2,"img_num":7,"img_name":"allens_chapel_students.jpg","img_caption":"ALLENS CHAPEL STUDENTS - Back row, left to right: Stanley Owen, Betty Faye Jordan, Harold Dutton, Francile Allen.
\r\n\r\nMiddle row, left to right: Wayne Webb, Joe Witcher, Neal Ramsey, Jimmy Jordan, Billy Durham.
\r\n\r\nFront row, left to right: Robert Neely, Betty Parrish, Patsy Vessels, and ?.\r\n\r\n- Photo courtesy of Betty Parrish Denning"},{"img_id":254,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":2,"img_num":8,"img_name":"allens_chapel_students2.jpg","img_caption":"ALLENS CHAPEL STUDENTS: Back row, left to right: Mary Lou Cornelius, Jack Ramsey, Orva Lee Bradshaw,Betty Jo Parrish.
\r\nMiddle Row, left to right: Betty Faye Jordan, ?, Wilma Dutton, Patsy Vessels, ?, Francile Allen, Eizabeth Wilson.
\r\nFront row, left to right: Lela Young, Reba Witcher, Margie Cornelius, Kenneth Witcher, John Re* itcher and James Young.
\r\nPhoto courtesy of Betty Parrish Denning"},{"img_id":255,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":2,"img_num":9,"img_name":"allens_chapel_students3.jpg","img_caption":"ALLENS CHAPEL STUDENTS:\tBack row, left to right:\r\n\r\nJanell Witcher, Harold Dean Witcher, Frances Durham, Kathryn Parrish, Dorothy Witcher, Thelma Durham.
\r\n\r\nMiddle row, left to right:\tKenneth Witcher, Reba Witcher, Wilma Dutton, Lela Young, John Rex Witcher, ?. Front row, left to right: Jack Ramsey, Orva Lee Bradshaw, Mary Lou Cornelius, Margie Sue Cornelius.
\r\n\r\n- Photo courtesy of Betty Parrish Denning"},{"img_id":256,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":2,"img_num":10,"img_name":"allens_chapel_1939.jpg","img_caption":"ALLENS CHAPEL SCHOOL - 1939: Back row, left to right: Thelma Wilson, Mabel Allen, Nina Todd, Janelle Witcher, Betty Neely.
\r\nFront row, left to right, Frances Durham, Thelma Ruth Durham, Kathryn Parrish and Dorothy Witcher.
\r\n- Photo courtesy of Mabel Holmes"},{"img_id":257,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":2,"img_num":11,"img_name":"allens_chapel_1942.jpg","img_caption":"ALLENS CHAPEL SCHOOL - 1942: Left to right: Elwanda Loschke, Patsy Ruth Vessels, Alice Allen and Francile Allen.
\r\n- Photo courtesy of Elwanda Loschke Owen"},{"img_id":258,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":2,"img_num":12,"img_name":"allens_chapel_students5.jpg","img_caption":"ALLENS CHAPEL SCHOOL - Front row, left to right: Bobby Neely, Bill Wayne Durham, Peggy Cornelius.
\r\n Second row, left to right, Barbara Ann Neely, Mary Lou Cornelius, Margia Sue Cornelius, Laverne Jordan, Dale Bradshaw, and Joe Witcher.
\r\n\r\n Third row, Jimmy Jordan, Elizabeth Wilson, Ben Parrish, Neil Ramsey and Elwanda Loschke.
\r\n\r\n- Photo courtesy of Neil Ramsey"},{"img_id":259,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":2,"img_num":13,"img_name":"allens_chapel_students6.jpg","img_caption":"ALLENS CHAPEL SCHOOL: Left to right, Clarence Hintz, Jimmy Sutton, James Hintz, the late Mrs. Ruth Ramsey (teacher) and Laverne Ryser.<\/p>
Front row, left to right: Joyce Jones, Laverne Ryser, Myrtle Stoehner, Frances Poeck, Betty Loschke, Lela Conyers, and Tracie Ingram.
\r\nPhoto courtesy of Joyce Sutton Sallee"},{"img_id":261,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":2,"img_num":15,"img_name":"allens_chapel_1947.jpg","img_caption":"ALLENS CHAPEL 7TH GRADE CLASS OF 1947-48: Left to right: Joyce Jones, Mrs. Ruth Ramsey (teacher) Frances Poeck and Myrtle Stoehner.
\r\n\r\n- Frances Tredway Photo"},{"img_id":262,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":2,"img_num":16,"img_name":"allens_chapel_1948a.jpg","img_caption":"SPRING OF 1948 AT ALLENS CHAPEL SCHOOL: Back row, left to right, Delores Wilson, Lela (Conyers) Foreman, Treacie (Ingram) Hackney, Barbara (Jones) Gilbreath.
\r\n\r\nFront row, left to right: Laverne iRyser) Kirkpatrick, Joyce Jones, Frances (Poeck) Tredway, Betty (Loschke) Ryser, Myrtle (Stoehner) Barnett, Joyce Sutton.\r\n
\r\n- Photo courtesy of Frances Tredway"},{"img_id":263,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":2,"img_num":17,"img_name":"allens_chapel_students4.jpg","img_caption":"ALLENS CHAPEL SCHOOL: Left to right; Teacher Mrs. Ruth Ramsey, pupil Joe Ben Ramsey, and teacher Mrs. Golda Loschke.
\r\n\r\n- Photo courtesy of Joe Ben Ramsey"},{"img_id":264,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":2,"img_num":18,"img_name":"allens_chapel_1950.jpg","img_caption":"ALLENS CHAPEL SCHOOL IN 1950: Front row, left to right: Billy Jones, Joan Witcher, Deanna Johnson, Mary Alice Jones and Tommy Neely.
\r\n\r\nSecond row, left to right: Dale Wilson, Autry Sutton, Tommy Jones, Lee Witcher, Alton Sutton, Joe Ben Ramsey and Elmer Thomas Neely.
\r\n\r\n Back row, left to right: Betty Lou Allen, Delores Wilson, Treacie Ingram, Betty Loschke, Joyce Sutton and Lela Mae Conyers.
\r\n- Photo courtesy of Joe Ben Ramsey"},{"img_id":265,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":2,"img_num":18,"img_name":"allens_chapel_1950.jpg","img_caption":"ALLENS CHAPEL SCHOOL IN 1950: Front row, left to right: Billy Jones, Joan Witcher, Deanna Johnson, Mary Alice Jones and Tommy Neely.
\r\n Second row, left to right: Dale Wilson, Autry Sutton, Tommy Jones, Lee Witcher, Alton Sutton, Joe Ben Ramsey and Elmer Thomas Neely.
\r\nBack row, left to right: Betty Lou Allen, Delores Wilson, Treacie Ingram, Betty Loschke, Joyce Sutton and Lela Mae Conyers.
\r\n- Photo courtesy of Joe Ben Ramsey"},{"img_id":266,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":2,"img_num":19,"img_name":"allens_chaple_students7.jpg","img_caption":"ALLENS CHAPEL SCHOOL STUDENTS - Left to right: Buddy Hollowell, J. C. Robinson, Jerry Allen, Jerry Fred Cornelius, Robert Earl Conyers, and Billy Wayne Ryser with their teacher, Mrs. Golda Broadfoot Loschke.
\r\n\r\n- Photo courtesy of Joyce Sutton Sallee"},{"img_id":267,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":2,"img_num":20,"img_name":"allens_chapel_students8.jpg","img_caption":"ALLENS CHAPEL SCHOOL STUDENTS: Left to right: Alton Sutton, Jerry Allen, Billie Jo Hollowell, Shirley Jones with their teacher, Mrs. Golda Loschke.<\/br>\r\nPhoto courtesy of Joyce Sallee"},{"img_id":268,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":2,"img_num":21,"img_name":"allens_chapel_students9.jpg","img_caption":"ALLENS CHAPEL SCHOOL STUDENTS: Back row, left to right: Betty Lou Allen, Mrs. Ruth Ramsey, Billy Jones. <\/br>\r\nFront row, left to right: Tommy Jones, Mary Alice Jones, Lee Witcher, Jimmie Don Poeck and Autry Sutton. <\/br>\r\n\r\n- Photo courtesy of Joyce Sallee"},{"img_id":269,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":2,"img_num":22,"img_name":"allens_chapel_1953.jpg","img_caption":"ALLENS CHAPEL SCHOOL STUDENTS: This group of students were the last group to attend the Allens Chapel School before it consolidated with the Honey Grove ISD in 1953.<\/br> \r\n\r\nFirst row, left to right: Brenda Jones, Raymond Jones, Jimmy Johnson, Charles Ryser, Larry Don Franklin, Kenneth Poeck. Second row, left to right: Robert Earl Conyers, Anita Loschke, Billy Wayne Ryser, Shirley Jones, Alma Lynn Fause, Bobby Yoakum, Peggy Allen and Jerry Allen.<\/br>\r\n Back row, left to right: Golda Loschke, their teacher, and Ruby Conyers, lunchroom employee.\r\n<\/br>\r\n- Photo courtesy of Cliff Webb"},{"img_id":270,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":2,"img_num":23,"img_name":"allens_chapel_1952.jpg","img_caption":"ALLENS CHAPEL SCHOOL STUDENTS 1952 - 1953: Front row, left to right: Charles Ryser, Kenneth Poeck, Larry Don Franklin, Jimmy Johnson, Raymond Jones, Brenda Jones, and Peggy Allen.<\/br>\r\n Back row, left to right: Robert Earl Conyers, Bobby Yoakum, Wayne Ryser, Jerry Allen and Anita Loschke."},{"img_id":166,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":3,"img_num":1,"img_name":"allens_point_school_1930.jpg","img_caption":"Allen's Point School 1930. The teacher in the middle, second row from top, is Ruth Riddlesperger. Photo provided by |419|."},{"img_id":199,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":3,"img_num":2,"img_name":"allens_point_1938c.jpg","img_caption":"Allen's Point School 1938<\/p>
\r\nYear not given - about 1932<\/p>
\r\n\r\nFlora James, Emma Sheffield, Allen ? Isaacs, Ella Sheffield, Era Woodruff, Edgar Todd, Holland Daughtry, Marshall Earl Harris, Clyde Harris, Gladys James, - Woodruff, Francis Daughtry, Willie Issacs, Juanita James, Houston Sheffield, \u2014 Woodruff, Robert Todd, C.B. James, Maude Wheeler (Teacher)"},{"img_id":71,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":9,"img_num":1,"img_name":"bigby_school_emerson_pic.jpg","img_caption":"Bigbee School 1914<\/p>
2nd Row: Ella Lewis, Ethel Lankford, Rena Love Talley, Mary Mendenhal Newhouse, Beulah Jackson Bigbee, Lula Mae Kirkpatrick, Beuna Love McRae, Annie Mae Page, Cordie Sharp, Josie Lankford, Pauline Thompson Curtis, Lodell Bigbee, Eula White, Alice Miles Foster, Countess Thompson, Jewel Yeager, Alpha Lewis, Evie Kirkpatrick, Grace Bigbee Howard, Irene Thompson, Minnie Jackson Curtis, Lucille Todd Hawks.
3rd Row: Vivian Carson (Teacher), Jim Todd, Neal Yeager, Jess Thompson, Sally Tarter (Teacher), Roy Todd, Ivy Todd, Jim Smith, Flossie Blake, Bill Sanders, Finis Dyer, Bonnie Essary Collard, Henry Todd, Euna Mae Nelson Copeland, Mike Jackson, Ashley Miles, Pearl Sharp, Irven Copeland, Bob Smith, Minnie White."},{"img_id":74,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":9,"img_num":4,"img_name":"bigbee_school_3.jpg","img_caption":"Mr. Emerson, Teacher. He died in the 1918 Flu Epidemic."},{"img_id":75,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":9,"img_num":5,"img_name":"bigbee_main.jpg","img_caption":"The one room log Bigbee Schoolhouse and Church.
From Left to Right: Arch. Eddins, Bessie Peggy Owens Eddins (she was the dau. of John & Mary Elizabeth Bigbee Owens), Flossie Blake and her mother, Lula Blake.
In front is Jay or Jeffrey Eddins(?)."},{"img_id":344,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":12,"img_num":1,"img_name":"brawley _pool_1890s.jpg","img_caption":"Photo provided by Myra Rodgers. Probably made in the mid to late 1890s. Second row from the bottom, seventh from the left Ada Lee Spencer,\r\neighth from the left (in matching outfit) Annie Maude Spencer."},{"img_id":285,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":17,"img_num":1,"img_name":"center_grove_2.jpg","img_caption":"Center Grove School 1936"},{"img_id":76,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":20,"img_num":1,"img_name":"clarkhigh_main.jpg","img_caption":"Clark High School - 1955 Graduating Class
Author Harris ~ President, Geraldine Miles ~ Vice President, William Scott ~ Treasurer\r\n
William McKinney ~ Secretary, Willie Shaw ~ Asst. Secretary, Idonia Askew ~ Sponsor\r\n
Hoyt Fuller ~ Business Manager, Betty McBeth, Opal Doyle, Dorothy Dinkins"},{"img_id":77,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":20,"img_num":2,"img_name":"clarkhigh_reunion_1.jpg","img_caption":"Yvonne Ewell congratulates Mr. J.W. Askew and Mrs. Allie Preston Ganaway"},{"img_id":78,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":20,"img_num":3,"img_name":"clarkhigh_reunion_2.jpg","img_caption":"Transcription: Clark Schools Reunion -- about 200 guests visited Ladonia last weekend
to attend the first annual Clark Schools Reunion, held at the Ganaway Center on Wilson Street.
\r\nAbove L to Right- guest speaker Yvonne Ewell congratulates Mr. J.W. Askew and Mrs. Allie Preston Ganaway,
both of whom were honored with plaques during the program for their work at Clark and within the community.
Below, old friends met for the first time in years during the celebration, sharing good food and a welcoming cake. Year not noted."},{"img_id":79,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":20,"img_num":4,"img_name":"clarkhigh_article.jpg","img_caption":"May 28, 1961\r\n
3:00 P.M.\r\n\r\n
Hymn \"My Faith Looks Up to Thee\" ...Mason\r\n
Music - \"Trees\".. Oscar Rasbach, Robert Doyle, James Crowley, Roy Ceaser\r\n
Introduction of Speaker\r\n
Sermon ... Rev. W. M. Harris, Pastor of Ladonia Circuit, Ladonia, Texas.\r\n
Music ... \"I'm a Rolling\" Spiritual\r\n
\u00a0 Clark High School Choral Club\r\n
Recessional ... \"God of Our Fathers\"\u00a0\u00a0 Warren<\/p>\r\n\r\n
Threefold Amen.................. Danish<\/p>\r\n\r\n
Commencement Program\r\n
May 29, 1961\u00a08:15\u00a0p.m.\r\n
Orantion .........Donal Adams\r\n
President's Message........James McBeth\r\n
Music ........\"Will there be any stars in my crown\"\r\n
History .............Christine Scott\r\n
Will ............. Robert Doyle\r\n
Prophecy .......... Roy Ceaser\r\n
Music ...........\"My Task\"\r\n
Oration...............Christine Scott\r\n
Introduction of Speaker\r\n
Commencement Address ..............Mrs. W.L.D.Glass\r\n
Supervisor, Area I, Texas Education Agency, Texas College, Tyler, Texas\r\n
Presentation of Awards\r\n
Presentation of Diplomas\r\n
Class Song\r\n
Threefold Amen<\/p>\r\n\r\n
Adams, Donald (Salutatorian)\r\n
Bean, Cherry\r\n
Ceaser, Roy\r\n
Crowley, James\r\n
Doyle, Robert\r\n
Gilmore, Cecil Jr.\r\n
King, Oner\r\n
McBeth, James\r\n
Scott, Christine (Valedictorian)<\/p>\r\n\r\n
Miss Thyra Cooksie\r\n
Miss Violet J. Garrett\r\n
Mr. James D. Johnson\r\n
Mrs. Erma M. Johnson\r\n
Mrs. Idona K. Askew\r\n
Mr. J.W. Askew, Principal<\/p>"},{"img_id":228,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":26,"img_num":1,"img_name":"Covey 1.jpg","img_caption":"Provided by Merle Isaacs."},{"img_id":229,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":26,"img_num":2,"img_name":"covey2.jpg","img_caption":"Provided by Merle Isaacs."},{"img_id":230,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":26,"img_num":3,"img_name":"covey3.jpg","img_caption":"Provided by Merle Isaacs."},{"img_id":80,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":28,"img_num":1,"img_name":"delba_main.jpg","img_caption":"Year Unknown - Photo submitted by: Eldon Dougherty b. 13 July 1916 - back row second from left.
\r\nIf anyone knows the dates of the photograph or identification of any of the people please email |1|."},{"img_id":81,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":28,"img_num":2,"img_name":"delba_1914.jpg","img_caption":"If anyone knows the dates of the photograph or identification of any of the people please email |1|.
\r\nDelba School 1914?: Not sure of the Date - before 1915.
\r\nEtta Mae Bradford b. 16 July 1895 - back row last on left."},{"img_id":82,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":28,"img_num":3,"img_name":"delba_1920.jpg","img_caption":"If anyone knows the dates of the photograph or identification of any of the people please email |1|.
\r\nNot sure of the Date: Eldon Dougherty b. 13 July 1916 - second row from the back second from right."},{"img_id":83,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":28,"img_num":4,"img_name":"delba_1923.jpg","img_caption":"If anyone knows the identification of any of the people please email |1|.
\r\nDelba 1923: Eldon Dougherty - front row third from right."},{"img_id":84,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":28,"img_num":5,"img_name":"delba_1927.jpg","img_caption":"If anyone knows the identification of any of the people please email |1|.
\r\nDelba 1927: Eldon Dougherty - front row third from left."},{"img_id":85,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":29,"img_num":1,"img_name":"dial_main.jpg","img_caption":"Pictured above is the Dial School class of 1924-1925.
Left to Right first Row. Ione Hudson, Mary Southerland, Ruby Bohanan, Mary Lee Smith, Lee Bohanan, Truman Lair, Henry Lee Mann.
Second Row; Left to right- Mary Yauger, Pauline Holley, Virginia West, Christene Jean, Ovalla Harris, Dorothy Lair, Gladys Brown, Louise Brown, Gertrude Smith.
Third row, left to right; Louie Ray Melton, Howard Carter, Ollie Cline Miles, Raymond Smith, Dudley Jackson, George Harris, Monroe Walters, Bloys Nunnelley, B.P. Nunnelley.<\/p>
\r\n\r\nSecond row; right to left, Cornelia Covington, Clarice Walters, Mamie Campbell, -- Mitchell.
\r\n\r\nThird row: left to right, \u2014 Thomas, Naoma Roland, Katherine Milford, Mary Lou Mann, Roberta Yarn, Louie Jackson. Grace Vandiver, Mary Walters, May Vandiver.
\r\n\r\nBottom row; John Hulsey Mann, George D. Carlock, Rand Stockstill, Herbert Nunnelley."},{"img_id":273,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":30,"img_num":1,"img_name":"dotson1937.jpg","img_caption":"From the Bonham Daily Favorite, July 4, 1976
\r\nDotson School in 1937 - Here are the students in the Dotson school,near Telephone, in 1937. Standing left to right - Letha Pearl Brown, Fred Standford, Evelyn Marshall, Earlene Stafford, Mattie Duncan, Irene Mayfield, Lorene Streybeck, Shirley Dean Gray, Evelyn McCabe.
\r\nSecond row - Juanita Stanford, Robertson, unknown, Minnie Lee Smith, Ruth Fielding, Leonra Bryant, Dorothy Bryant, Bula Fay Cabe, Lottie Smith
\r\nFront row: Leonard Cabe, Malcolm Standford, Eugene Stafford, Buford Bryant, Raleigh Robertson, Sammie Smith, Melvin Smith."},{"img_id":288,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":30,"img_num":2,"img_name":"dotson1925.jpg","img_caption":""},{"img_id":289,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":30,"img_num":3,"img_name":"dotson_2.jpg","img_caption":"Dotson School
\r\nSelma H. Doan, Principal
\r\nMae Love, Teacher"},{"img_id":204,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":35,"img_num":1,"img_name":"fairview1935back.jpg","img_caption":"Back of main 1934-35 photo."},{"img_id":205,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":35,"img_num":2,"img_name":"fairview_map.jpg","img_caption":"Map showing the Fairview School."},{"img_id":206,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":35,"img_num":3,"img_name":"fairview1934.jpg","img_caption":"Back of photo says: Fairview School, January 19, 1934"},{"img_id":226,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":37,"img_num":1,"img_name":"finley_teacher.jpg","img_caption":"Lois Marie Lambert Gay and the horse that she road from Ridings Community to Angel Flats Community to teach the Finley School. Red River in The Background. 1931. Ridings was just west of Kueckelhan's and Angel Flats was just southeast of Sowell's Bluff. Photo provided by Ronnie Atnip."},{"img_id":283,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":37,"img_num":2,"img_name":"finley_1930s.jpg","img_caption":"Photo provided by Kathy Wicks Brown, who said that her mother and sister (Mildred and Wanda Caldwell) are in the photo. Her Mom is second girl from left with dark hair and her Aunt Wanda is fourth from left next to the girl in dark top. Linda Workman identified the teach as Mr. Orvile Hickman, the little blond girl to his left as Ella Q Whisenhunt Reamer, the little black headed boy standing to the right of Mr. Hickman as J. T. Whisenhunt and the tall boy in center on back row as JB Ryals, wearing overalls"},{"img_id":179,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":44,"img_num":1,"img_name":"harrison_school_2.jpg","img_caption":"On back of photo: March 10, 1914."},{"img_id":180,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":44,"img_num":2,"img_name":"harrison_school_3.jpg","img_caption":"Written on back of photo: Probably 1924."},{"img_id":89,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":49,"img_num":1,"img_name":"sch_johnson1.jpg","img_caption":"
\r\nTop row: Alice Mae Easterwood, Connie
\r\n\r\nMiddle Row: unknown, Eva Johns, S. L. Todd teacher, Evelyn Moore, Johnny Huffman, DeAlba McCleary, Rachael McCleary
\r\n\r\nBottom Row: Jimmy Phillips, Robert Johns, Carl Phillips, John Lightfoot, ___ Hennard, unknown <\/p>"},{"img_id":90,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":49,"img_num":2,"img_name":"sch_johnson.jpg","img_caption":"
\r\nIcie Anderson Vaught (teacher), Pinkie Lou Dockery with James Bernethy helping with the flag."},{"img_id":91,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":52,"img_num":1,"img_name":"ladonia_main.jpg","img_caption":"Ladonia High School, 1890 - 1922"},{"img_id":92,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":52,"img_num":2,"img_name":"ladonia_hs-1923.jpg","img_caption":"Ladonia High School nearing completion in 1923."},{"img_id":93,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":52,"img_num":3,"img_name":"ladonia_hs-1923_2.jpg","img_caption":"Ladonia High School after it was completed (1923), this building was replaced with a new building in 1989."},{"img_id":94,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":52,"img_num":4,"img_name":"ladonia_fannindel-hs-1989.jpg","img_caption":"Fannindel High School - 1993. This new school building was completed in 1989. The students finished the remainder of the 1989-90 school year in the new building when they returned from Spring Break on Monday, March 19th."},{"img_id":201,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":52,"img_num":5,"img_name":"ladonia_inside.jpg","img_caption":"Provided by the Burleson History Center."},{"img_id":202,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":52,"img_num":6,"img_name":"ladonia1917a.jpg","img_caption":""},{"img_id":203,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":52,"img_num":7,"img_name":"ladonia1917b.jpg","img_caption":""},{"img_id":353,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":52,"img_num":8,"img_name":"ladonia_npa_1895-1.jpg","img_caption":"Standing: Walter Barlow, Alice Stevens, and George Kean.
\r\nSeated: Maggie Pickens, Prof. A. L. Malone, and Charra Barlow."},{"img_id":354,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":52,"img_num":9,"img_name":"ladonia_npa_1895-2.jpg","img_caption":"Here is another photo of the 1895 class from Glenn Hunt."},{"img_id":355,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":52,"img_num":10,"img_name":"ladonia_1910_1.jpg","img_caption":"Graduates: Lyle Kean, Allene Carr, Florein Jones, Lela Womack, Addie Crowson, Mary Evelyn Biggs, Jessie Parker, Zells Hulsey, Ethel McFarland."},{"img_id":356,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":52,"img_num":11,"img_name":"ladonia_1910_2.jpg","img_caption":""},{"img_id":357,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":52,"img_num":12,"img_name":"ladonia_1910_3.jpg","img_caption":""},{"img_id":358,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":52,"img_num":13,"img_name":"ladonia_1910_4.jpg","img_caption":""},{"img_id":359,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":52,"img_num":14,"img_name":"ladonia_1910_5.jpg","img_caption":""},{"img_id":360,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":52,"img_num":15,"img_name":"ladonia_img_1913-1.jpg","img_caption":"Front Row: Zuleleka Roan (later-Zukelia Roan Vaughan) & Sam Merrill\r\n
2nd Row: Cecil Carter, Ethel Hughes, Oma Bishop, Maggie\r\nAbernathy
Back Row: Raymond Cathey, Powell Walker, Mr. Yarborough, Rosser Neilson, Hendrix Merrill"},{"img_id":361,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":52,"img_num":16,"img_name":"ladonia_img_1913-2.jpg","img_caption":"Written on back of previous photo."},{"img_id":362,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":52,"img_num":17,"img_name":"ladonia_npa_1942.jpg","img_caption":"Ladonia Rattlers - 1942 District Champions<\/b>
Left to right front: Joe Smith, John H. Parsons, W.D. Wherman,
Darrell Catron Johnson, Dewey Dell Bishop, Albert Ivan Fry and Erwin Bearden.
\r\nCenter: Elbert Bache Bartley, Roy Bartley, Troy Dawson,
Same Doak Houchin, Brantley Minor, Charles Montgomery and Bill Kerbow.
\r\nBack: Coach Buck Neilson, Harless Ratten, Albert Lee Bartley, T.D. Bartley,
Herman H. Milford Jr., Edgar Charles Lawhon, Roy Hanes, John Kerbow and Superintendent Grady Fowler."},{"img_id":307,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":53,"img_num":1,"img_name":"leonard1906.jpg","img_caption":"Top L to R: Jennie Mae Hunt, Ethel Miles, Robert Shiels, Marcie Wilson, George Atkins
\r\nLower: Rennie Wright, Tennie Grimes, Lalla Manning, Pinie Davis, Supt. W. A. ThomA"},{"img_id":308,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":53,"img_num":2,"img_name":"leonard_band_1925.jpg","img_caption":"Leonard High School Band 1925"},{"img_id":290,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":55,"img_num":1,"img_name":"liberty1922.jpg","img_caption":"Duplex Library School, circa 1922. Berniece Morriss is the teacher. Front row, fourth from left is Pauline Hart. Photo courtesy of Betty Tarbet."},{"img_id":220,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":56,"img_num":1,"img_name":"lone_elm - 1916.jpg","img_caption":"1916 photo from the Honey Grove Signal-Citizen of unknown date in the column Honey Grove Scrapbook written by Betty Ryser. The photo had been shared with Betty Ryser by Bernice Beaty.<\/p>
\r\nTop Row: Ben Alexander, Hazel McConnall, Willie Cravins, willie Wilford, Opal Moore, Mary McConnal, Lillian willford, Fannie Parker and Ervin Moore, Clyde Runkle.
\r\n\r\nMiddle Row: Cleo Cook, Virgie Brewer, Viola Tyler, Bernice Ramsey, Opal Tyler, Bernice Hill, Rosa Alexander, Ernest Tyler, ?, ?
\r\n\r\nFront Row: Tom Patton, Earl Horton, Weldon Cox, Thurman Horton, Ernest Cook, Orval McKinney, ? Hornsby, ? Hornsby, Fred Brewer, Cecil Taylor."},{"img_id":332,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":56,"img_num":2,"img_name":"loan_elm_1915.jpg","img_caption":"From the Honey Grove Signal-Citizen, November 24, 1972. The caption says the photo was provided by Mrs. Raymond Nelms, and was of the Lone Elm School, taken in 1915."},{"img_id":246,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":57,"img_num":1,"img_name":"Lonestar1.jpg","img_caption":"Photo from the Allens Chapel Scrapbook<\/i>. <\/p>
Picture and information contributed by Helene Peel and Eva Edwards to a July 31, 1987 newspaper article.<\/p>
\r\nMrs. Jim (Ida) Harris, Zelda Conine, teachers"},{"img_id":99,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":83,"img_num":1,"img_name":"savage_school_1924-25.jpg","img_caption":"Savage School Group N.E. of Leonard, Texas, 1924\/1925 School Year
\r\nSchool District 134;
\r\nSchool District 134;
\r\nLower Row, L to R: Joe Bob Moody, Joyce Mahan, Patsy McBroom, Leola Owens
\r\nSecond: Thomas Whisenhunt, Kenneth Hutton, Joe Earl Call, Billy Joe Chapman
\r\nThird: James Moody, Winnie Lou Smalley, Frances Simmons
\r\nTop: Jabo Whisenhunt, Arlene Holman, Teacher
\r\nPhoto from The History of Leonard, Texas, Volume II<\/i>"},{"img_id":276,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":83,"img_num":4,"img_name":"1926_morgan_rosa_gradecard.jpg","img_caption":"1926 Report Card for
A pretty good student, but history?
Well, not so much!"},{"img_id":101,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":85,"img_num":1,"img_name":"shiloh_school_1928_29.jpg","img_caption":"Shiloh School 1928-29.
\r\nBack Row: Georgia Spelce, Lois Winchester, Frances Spelce, Icie Faye Whirley, ____________, Clara Harris (teacher), Ruth Whirley, Beulah Crow(?)"},{"img_id":225,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":90,"img_num":3,"img_name":"springhill_1922.2.jpg","img_caption":""},{"img_id":317,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":90,"img_num":4,"img_name":"springhill_1900.jpg","img_caption":"Spring Hill School About 1900
\r\n1st Row: boy, golden Ridge, William Smith, Wolney Luttrell, (woman, man, Cooper Spelce, three boys
\r\n 2nd Row: three girls, Lena Luttrell"},{"img_id":318,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":90,"img_num":5,"img_name":"springhill2.jpg","img_caption":"SPRING HILL SCHOOL, North of Windom
\r\n\r\n1st Row: Woodrow Shaw, Carl Spelce, boy, girl, Nell Whirley, girl, Helen Smith 2nd Row: boy, Earl Cobb, Zora Belle Smith, Lois Winchester, Clara Harris (Teacher), Ruth Whirley, Frances Spelce, Lois Cobb, Georgia Spelce."},{"img_id":310,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":95,"img_num":1,"img_name":"3P_2.jpg","img_caption":""},{"img_id":311,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":95,"img_num":2,"img_name":"3-P_4.jpg","img_caption":""},{"img_id":312,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":95,"img_num":3,"img_name":"3P_1.jpg","img_caption":""},{"img_id":323,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":95,"img_num":4,"img_name":"3P_1922.jpg","img_caption":"This stone is lying at the base of the historical marker for Portant."},{"img_id":107,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":97,"img_num":1,"img_name":"truss_1.jpg","img_caption":"Clipping provided by |285|.
\r\nSubmitted by Shirley Montgomery Templeton"},{"img_id":186,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":104,"img_num":2,"img_name":"willowgrove1930.jpg","img_caption":"Photo from around 1930 provided by Mary Fields Hayes. Photo is: Morris Weldon Fields, Cecil Earl Fields, Elbert Gann, and Granville Lee Fields
\r\nMary Frances Graves, Mary Ruth Tayler, Virginia Graves, and Norma Lee Walker"},{"img_id":190,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":105,"img_num":1,"img_name":"windom_1928.jpg","img_caption":"Class picture, 1st & 2nd grades, 1928-1929<\/p>
\r\n\r\nMiddle row (All Seated): Agnes Miles, Annie Faye Payne, Lorene Kelly, Jimmie Louise Renshaw, Bobbie Lee Shipman, Martha Wheeler, Emojean Spelce
\r\nStanding: Helen Smith, Ruby Elliott (Teacher), James Gay, Marie Howell, Florence Crossland, Nellie Allen, Malcolm Woodard, Edward Self, W. D. George (Superintendent), Thelma Curtis, Roxie Holman."},{"img_id":223,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":105,"img_num":8,"img_name":"windom_1928_9b.jpg","img_caption":""},{"img_id":324,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":105,"img_num":9,"img_name":"windom_1924_3-4.jpg","img_caption":"Windom School 1924 -1925
\r\n\r\n3rd and 4th Grades
\r\n\r\n1st Row: Howell Connally, Howard Connally, W. J. Miles, & John Chaney
\r\n\r\n2nd Row: William Dodd, Loyd Gilbreath, Joe DeJarnatt, Robert Crossland, boy, Mason Armstrong, 2 boys, Coy Parish, boy, Terrell Miles
\r\n\r\n3rd Row: Lela Mae Miles, girl, Audrey Logan, Doris Nell Wheeler, Doretha McKinney, Cleo Spelce, Evelyn Walker, Ora Walker, Oleta Pulliam, Mildred Cooper, & Nell Dowlen
\r\n\r\n4th Row: Doris Jacks, Julia Nell Stewart, girl, Mozelle Patterson, Perna Renshaw (Teacher), Ruby Crossland, Opal Parham, girl, & Lois Butler"},{"img_id":325,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":105,"img_num":10,"img_name":"windom_1946_5-6.jpg","img_caption":"1924 -1925
\r\n\r\n5th & 6th Grade
\r\n\r\n1st Row: Robert Lee, 2 boys, Bill Dowlen, Jesse Claude Rigsby, boy, Carl Spelce, Joe Coy Nash, and boy
\r\n\r\n2nd Row: Malcolm Woodard, Edward Self, Lawrence Campbell, Martha Wheeler, Thelma Curtis, Roxie Holman, Emojean Word, Clara Butler, Lucille Woodard, and Agnes Miles
\r\n\r\n3rd Row: girl, Nellie Allen, Annie Faye Payne, Mable Morris Cappleman (Teacher), 2 girls, Florence Crossland, and Ethel Crossland"},{"img_id":326,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":105,"img_num":11,"img_name":"windom_1928_7.jpg","img_caption":"WINDOM SCHOOL, 7th Grade, 1928 -1929
\r\n\r\n1st Row: Howard Connally, Eldon Collard, Joe De-Jarnatt, Howell Connally.
\r\n\r\n2nd Row: Opal Parham, Jessie Rayborn, Cleo Spelce, Doris Nell Wheeler, Clara Butler, Evelyn Walker.
\r\n\r\n3rd Row: Doris Jacks, Audrey Logan, Joe Alexander, Joe Coy Nash, Robert Crossland, William Dodd, Bill Dowlen. Teacher - Herman Johnson"},{"img_id":328,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":105,"img_num":12,"img_name":"windom_2938_grad.jpg","img_caption":"1928 GRADUATING CLASS Windom High School
\r\n\r\nL. to R. - Peggy Kinslow (Teacher), Ruth Lee Edwards, Orville Dunsworth (Teacher), Miss Hopkins (Teacher), R. D. Wheeler, Elizabeth Council (Teacher), Johnnie Barnes, Donnis Dodd, Loretta Barnett, Royce Logan, Alma White, Edith DeJarnatt, Maxwell Miles, W. D. George (Superintendant), George Ray, Martha Jane Chaney, Ray Howell, Christine Woodard, Truett Avery."},{"img_id":329,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":105,"img_num":13,"img_name":"windom 1924f.jpg","img_caption":"WINDOM HIGH SCHOOL, Faculty 1924 - 1925
\r\n\r\nL. to R. - Evelyn Smith, Maude Wheeler, Bertha Lowrey, Louise Wufljen, Mable Morris, Perna Renshaw, A. T. Holcomb, and Estelle Wood"},{"img_id":330,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":105,"img_num":14,"img_name":"windom_1924.jpg","img_caption":"1924 -1925
\r\n\r\n1st Row: Irene Sorrels, Edna Chaney, Verla Mae Mears, Georgia Huffman, Loree Miles, Miss Jones, and Gladys Woodard.
\r\n\r\n2nd Row: Maude Wheeler (Teacher), Carroll Cain, J. E. Luttrell, Willie Crossland, Lendell Ford, and Jesse Allen"},{"img_id":110,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":106,"img_num":1,"img_name":"woods_main.jpg","img_caption":"Old Woods School Building"},{"img_id":111,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":106,"img_num":2,"img_name":"woods_school_1914.jpg","img_caption":"
\r\nEdward Allen Richardson, top row, 3rd from right;
\r\nAlvis Reece Richardson, bottom row, 1st from left.
\r\nAll others unknown . . ."},{"img_id":114,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":107,"img_num":2,"img_name":"sch_monkstown1911.jpg","img_caption":"The Old Monkstown School Building \u2014 Photo taken 28 May 1911"},{"img_id":115,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":107,"img_num":3,"img_name":"sch_monkstown1930.jpg","img_caption":"1930 High School Class - Monkstown, Texas (Left to right)
\r\n\r\nTop row: A. H. Fletcher, Paul Davis, Elmer Morrison, Mr. J. J. Fletcher (teacher), Wymer Smith, Wendell Smith, R. Davis
\r\n\r\nSecond row from top: Vestal Gray, Lula Harris, Cornelius Williams, Omer Morrison, Opal Russell, Ruby Hinkle, Edna Lee Gray, Mildred Wells
\r\n\r\nThird row from top: Gordie Williams, Alice M. Slagle, Wilma Hart, M. E. Hardin, Effie Hart, Birdie Lynch, Mary Morrison, Jewell Lynch, Ruth Richardson
\r\nBottom row: W. T. Merrell, David Wortham, Glenn French, Onid Wells, William Branson"},{"img_id":170,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":107,"img_num":4,"img_name":"sch_monkstown_hs_1930.jpg","img_caption":"
\r\nThird Row - 1st on left: Jim Mathis; 2nd from left Ruby Perry; 4th from left Myrtle
\r\nTeacher - Shelley Mills"},{"img_id":184,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":122,"img_num":3,"img_name":"flagspring2.jpg","img_caption":"Photo provided by the Burleson History Center. No names on the back of the photo."},{"img_id":198,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":122,"img_num":4,"img_name":"flagspring3.jpg","img_caption":"Photo obtained from the Windom collection. The back of the photo says: No. 1 - Mable Morris."},{"img_id":335,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":123,"img_num":1,"img_name":"mcclelland_1930.jpg","img_caption":"McClellan School 1930-31<\/p>
\r\n\r\nTop tow, left to right: Marcus Hohenberger,\tBennett, John Chaney, \tHankins, Aubrey Wilkins,\tBarnard,\r\n\r\nJim Siebenthall, and Ivan Paulk.
\r\n\r\nSecond row, left to right:\tStevenson,\tBennett,\r\n\r\nMiss Edna Rosson, Mary Helen Doyle, Lydia Mae Chaney, Stevenson.
\r\n\r\nThird row, left to right: Lorene Williams, Sallie Doyle, Stevenson, _____ Hankins, Rubye Lee Thorton, Doris Siebenthall, and Maurine Scott.
\r\n\r\nFourth row, left to right: Earl Scott, Velma Scott,\r\n\r\nBarnard,\tHankins, Dorothy Siebenthall, Ada Bell Rhodes,\r\n\r\nMac Siebenthall, and William Paul Bennett.
\r\n\r\nFifth row, left to right: Alvis Hohenberger, Magness Rhodes, Troy Hohenberger, Banard, Robert Chancy, Delmer Hohenberger, and\tStevenson."},{"img_id":175,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":124,"img_num":1,"img_name":"randolph_basketball.jpg","img_caption":""},{"img_id":176,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":124,"img_num":2,"img_name":"randolph_girls.jpg","img_caption":""},{"img_id":208,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":124,"img_num":3,"img_name":"randolph_faculty_1904.jpg","img_caption":"Randolph School teachers 1940-1941. W. G. Stevens, Supt.; G. D. Apple, Prin.; Mrs. G. D. Apple; Mrs. W. G. Stevens; Mrs. J. R. Taylor; Mrs. L. (Leyman) W. Fleming; Mrs. Jess L. Moore."},{"img_id":209,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":124,"img_num":4,"img_name":"randolph_faculty_1939.jpg","img_caption":"Randolph Faculty 1939: Gordon Apple; Mrs. Ruth Apple; Jrs. Ruth Wise; Mrs. Jean Fleming; Bethie Bailey; Opal Armstrong; Mrs. Madeline Cates; Guyon Stevens."},{"img_id":210,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":124,"img_num":5,"img_name":"randolph_1939_5th.jpg","img_caption":"Randolph School, Fifth & Sixth Grades, 1938-1939.\r\nInell Jones; Jewell Pratt; Nina Livscott; J. C. Box; Thomas Joines; Ouida Laine Campbell; Charlene Rigsby; Virginia Catham; Louise Anderson; Madie Lee Oakley; Gean Madison; Billy Louise Massey; Mildred Livscott; Christine _________; Billy Joe Stroud; Harry Joe Owens; Helen Garner; Dorothy Nichols; Vera Nell Anderson; Noble Vinson; Earl D. Spicer; Billy Ray Allen; George Thompson; J. C. Carter; R. W> Seals; Calvin Hamilton; C. M. Hogg."},{"img_id":212,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":124,"img_num":6,"img_name":"randolph_1939_5th_back.jpg","img_caption":"Back of the photo of the 1938-39 5th & 6th grades."},{"img_id":309,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":124,"img_num":7,"img_name":"randolph_1895.jpg","img_caption":"Randolph School, 1895"},{"img_id":279,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":125,"img_num":1,"img_name":"edhube_1897_1.jpg","img_caption":"Bentonville School No. 1
\r\n15 Nov 1897 - 06 May 1898
\r\nTeachers: F. M. Bledsoe, F. B. Laughlin"},{"img_id":280,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":125,"img_num":2,"img_name":"edhube_1897_2.jpg","img_caption":"Pupils:
\r\nMinnie Benton, Lee Cox, Lizzie Everheart, Lockie Davis, Celissa Purdy, Mazie Todd, Lola Todd, Ethel Rogers, Allie Rogers, Virgie Leatherwood, Ethel Leatherwood, \r\nMamie Dye, Ina Dye, Esther Scisco, Rosa Scisco, Callie Mise, \r\nFrancis McBroom, Flora McBroom, Mary Durham, Millie Durham, \r\nEthel Everheart, Gracie Everheart, Elsie Benton, Pearl Stansberry,\r\nBertha Hudson, Myrtle Smith. Minnie Gibson, Edna Edwards, \r\nGola Edwards, Claud Melton, Lilly Blair, Agnes Blair, \r\nVirgie Blair, Lee Blair, Lula Cox, Lilly Thompson, Lizzie Goodwin,\r\nLaura Goodwin, Mattie Goodwin, Martha Senters, Lucy Lavender, \r\nMartha Lavender, Katie Benton, Alice Maness, Mary Fox, \r\nLizzie Shive, Bula Daniels, Ettie Seals, Minnie Seals, Willie Wright, \r\nAda Pike, Mattie Pike, Fannie Pike, Jennie Miller, Ora Miller, \r\nPearl Jenkins, Mary Jenkins, Viola Jenkins, Maud Fippo, \r\nMay Fippo, Stella Ogle, Mary Knoles"},{"img_id":338,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":126,"img_num":1,"img_name":"taylorville2.jpg","img_caption":"Taylorville School from the late 1920s or early 1930s. Teachers are Sherman & Mary Francis Latimer. One of the students is Dick Sykes. Provided by David Norman."},{"img_id":339,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":126,"img_num":2,"img_name":"taylorville3.jpg","img_caption":"Photo taken around 1918. Provided by Pam Walker Durham."},{"img_id":231,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":129,"img_num":1,"img_name":"ector_1946.jpg","img_caption":"Photo of the Ector first grade class of 1946 provided by Joe Large. <\/p>
\r\nTeacher: Blonda Weatherby<\/br>\r\nFirst Row: Felix Banta, Cecil Hodges, Jimmie Ford, ____Watkins, Loyd Jenkins, The Kimmins Twins(?), Clifton Sadler, ? ?
\r\nSecond Row: Elmer Howard, _____, ____ Miller, J. K. Miller, Orbin Alderson, Herman Baker, Pete Anderson<\/br>\r\nThird Row: Travis Cole, James McLean, _______. ____ McGuire, Cromer Crutcher?, O. V. Barker, ____ Frost, Charles Allen, ?<\/br>\r\nFourth Row: Mildred McMurray, Thelma Allison (Pratt), Jewell Guess, Vera Nell Hodges, Winnie? Ramey, _____ Alderson, _____, Lavanche Chitwood, Freda Scott Russell, Lola Smalley\/McGuire?, ____, Hannah Morgan, Bertha Dooley<\/br>\r\nFifth row: ________, Christine Henry, Blonda Weateroy, ___Felty\/Felmet(?). Gladys Cole"},{"img_id":233,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":129,"img_num":3,"img_name":"ector_3.jpg","img_caption":""},{"img_id":234,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":129,"img_num":4,"img_name":"ector_4.jpg","img_caption":""},{"img_id":235,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":129,"img_num":5,"img_name":"ector_5.jpg","img_caption":""},{"img_id":236,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":129,"img_num":6,"img_name":"ector_6.jpg","img_caption":""},{"img_id":291,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":129,"img_num":7,"img_name":"ector_1913a.jpg","img_caption":"1913 - Mrs. Carson's third grade."},{"img_id":292,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":129,"img_num":8,"img_name":"ector_1913b.jpg","img_caption":"1913
\r\nMrs. Winters, Teacher
\r\nThree sets of twins
\r\n1. Aron and Oron Witherspoon
\r\n2. Ruby and Ruth Claxton
\r\n3. Ray and Faye Dulaney (H.G. Dulaney's brother and sister)"},{"img_id":343,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":129,"img_num":9,"img_name":"ector_1921 .jpg","img_caption":"FIRST ROW: ___ Alderson, Thelma Allison (Pratt), Mildred McMurray,_____\t, Jewel Guess, Beral Cole, Helen Morgan, Vera Nell Hodges, Freda Scott Russell, ___, ___Alderson.
\r\nSECOND ROW: ______, Travis Cole, Orbin Alderson, James McLean, _____ Ramey, ___Frost, Faye Carter, Elme, Howard, Bonnie Daniels, George Twyman, J. B. Watkins,___Hilley.
\r\nTHIRD ROW: _____, 0. V. Barker,____, Lola McGuire, \t[last person ____ Jenkins
\r\nFOURTH ROW: _____, Jimmie Ford, Margaret Newall, LoydJenkins .
\r\n\r\nNo one in the fifth or sixth rows have been identified."},{"img_id":182,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":130,"img_num":1,"img_name":"newharmony1927.jpg","img_caption":"Photo from the Burleson History Center. Teacher in cape is Lurlene Ellard"},{"img_id":185,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":132,"img_num":1,"img_name":"ely2.jpg","img_caption":"Photo of the 1932-33 Ely basketball team provided by Casie Partridge."},{"img_id":272,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":133,"img_num":1,"img_name":"elwood 1918.jpg","img_caption":"Photo from the Bonham Daily Favorite, July 4, 1976."},{"img_id":293,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":133,"img_num":2,"img_name":"elwood1925.jpg","img_caption":"1925"},{"img_id":294,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":133,"img_num":3,"img_name":"elwood1924b.jpg","img_caption":"Elwood School 1924.
\r\n2nd row: last child Alice Mae Caldwell
\r\n3rd row: next to the last Harless \"Son\" Caldwell"},{"img_id":296,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":133,"img_num":4,"img_name":"elwood1924a.jpg","img_caption":"Elwood School 1924
\r\n3rd row: Clifford McRae<\/br>\r\n2nd row: last child Denver McRae"},{"img_id":297,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":133,"img_num":5,"img_name":"elwood1924c.jpg","img_caption":"Elwood School 1924"},{"img_id":298,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":133,"img_num":6,"img_name":"elwood_date_unknown.jpg","img_caption":"Elwood School, Date Unknown"},{"img_id":300,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":133,"img_num":7,"img_name":"elwood1910.jpg","img_caption":"Elwood School 1910
\r\nAgnes McRae, Primary Teacher, in strip dress on right.
\r\nHouston and Earl McRae sitting on the steps."},{"img_id":196,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":134,"img_num":1,"img_name":"hail1913.jpg","img_caption":"Photo from Bartley-Woods School History<\/i>."},{"img_id":197,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":134,"img_num":2,"img_name":"hail2.jpg","img_caption":"Photo from Bartley-Woods School History<\/i>."},{"img_id":207,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":135,"img_num":1,"img_name":"prairiepoint2.jpg","img_caption":"Back of photo says \"Charlie & Opal Dewoddy. Opal 3rd from L. Charlie behind Opal Richardson or on left, top row.\""},{"img_id":213,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":136,"img_num":1,"img_name":"siloam_1900_bw.jpg","img_caption":"This black and white version is what the photo probably originally looked like."},{"img_id":214,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":136,"img_num":2,"img_name":"Siloam1900b .jpg","img_caption":"This is another remarkable photo which was apparently taken the same day as the previous 1900 photo. The mother of Vera Smith Ross is the first small girl on the front row (Marie Hill Smith). Vera's father, Sam Smith, is the 6th child on the 2nd row from the bottom. The last boy on the 2nd row from the bottom is Leonard Hill."},{"img_id":215,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":136,"img_num":3,"img_name":"Siloam1900b_bw.jpg","img_caption":"A black and white version of the previous photo."},{"img_id":216,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":136,"img_num":4,"img_name":"siloam1935.jpg","img_caption":"Back row: Hattie Smith; Ruby Hill (Anderson); Murial Oliphant (Christian); Walter Potts Jr.; Emma Hill (Moore); Forest Smith (Williams); Violet June Potts; Fred Espy;
\r\nMiddle row: Noble Chapman, teacher; Lucille Dehorney (Harvey); Viola Espy (Parker); Allene Dehorney; Jimmie Espy (Demerson); Gladys White (Cannon); Lottie Cell (Dehorney); Edna King (Harvey);<\/br \/>\r\nThomas Spencer; R. C. Phillips; Bruce Phillips; G. B. Potts; Henry David, Jr.
\r\nPhoto contributed by Vera Smith Ross."},{"img_id":217,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":136,"img_num":5,"img_name":"siloam1919a.jpg","img_caption":"Commencement Exercises
\r\nClass 1919
\r\nSiloam Intermediate School
\r\nRavenna, Texas"},{"img_id":218,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":136,"img_num":6,"img_name":"siloam1919b.jpg","img_caption":"Names mentioned:
\r\nMolissia Ellen Dupree; Myrtle Wilson; Vernon K. Smith; Josie Mae Topps; Lizzie Harven; Rosa Pauline Fitzgerald; Prof. W. J. Taylor; Prof. J. M. Powell, Principal."},{"img_id":219,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":136,"img_num":7,"img_name":"siloam1919c.jpg","img_caption":"Graduates: Molissia Ellen Dupree, Vernon K. Smith, Rosa Pauline Fitzgerald"},{"img_id":237,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":141,"img_num":1,"img_name":"orangeville_school1.jpg","img_caption":"
\r\n1. Floyd Pruitt; 2. Leonard Winkler; 3. Ben Berryhill; 4. James Little; 5. Ray Pace; 7. Martin Epsley; 8. Ray_____ Winkler; 9. Eula Maud Vermillione; 10. Mrs. Finley; 11. Mr. Finley; 12. Gracie Pace; 13. Gladys Chaffin; 14. Mynette Stone; 15. Anita Stimpson; 16. Mary Dennis; 17. Irene _____; 18. [unknown]; 19. R. B. Stimpson; 20. Billie Walker; 21. Martha ______; 22. Emegeme _____; 23. Lela Epley; 24. [unknown]; 25. Meddan Vanze; 26. Jack WInkler; 27. Paul Denton; 28. Edwin Wa______; 29. Richard ______; 30. Neal Ch_______; 31. Robert ______; 32. Lonnie _______; 33. Clyde Little; 34. Ben Stone; 35. Jessie Fleming; 36. Earl Pruitt; 37. James Denton; 38; Maurice Laughlin; 39. Guy Stimpson; 40. J. W. Pruitt"},{"img_id":304,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":142,"img_num":3,"img_name":"lamasco_1908.jpg","img_caption":"Lamasco School, 1908-09
\r\nFifth thru nineth grades, Mr. Coppage, teacher"},{"img_id":305,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":142,"img_num":4,"img_name":"lamasco_1916.jpg","img_caption":"Lamasco School, 1916-17
\r\nMrs. A. L. (Lela) McRae, Mr. Wilson, Teachers."},{"img_id":341,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":142,"img_num":5,"img_name":"lamasco 1930.jpg","img_caption":"Lamasco School girls basketball team, circa 1930. Photo from Yesterday Revisited. A Pictorial History of Fannin County, Texas."},{"img_id":319,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":143,"img_num":1,"img_name":"telephone1900s2.jpg","img_caption":"Telephone School early 1900's
\r\n3rd Row: 4th boy - Wes Ferguson>br>\r\nWess wore a cap due to an ear ache."},{"img_id":320,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":143,"img_num":2,"img_name":"telephone2.jpg","img_caption":"Telephone School
\r\nDoug Magness with the white scarf around his neck."},{"img_id":321,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":143,"img_num":3,"img_name":"telephone1915.jpg","img_caption":"Telephone School ca. 1915
\r\nMr. Coppedge, Principal
\r\nIcie Anderson Vaught is the fourth girl from the left second row."},{"img_id":322,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":143,"img_num":4,"img_name":"telephone1900s.jpg","img_caption":"Telephone School 1900's
\r\nFlo Ferguson, sister of Wes Ferguson pictured?"},{"img_id":301,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":144,"img_num":1,"img_name":"ivanhoe1915.jpg","img_caption":"IVANHOE SCHOOL 1915 - 1916
\r\n\r\n7. Glen Spearman. 8. Wade Keene. 9. Fred Keene. 10. Bess Keene. 13. Taylor Keene. 21. Bertha Borders Mitchell. 22. MinnieLou Mitchell, 23. J. B. Mitchell (brother of 48.) 27. Ewell Wright, 44. Callie Mae Keene, 45. Essie Fogle Huff, 46. Robert Spearman. 48. Mary Helen Mitchell, 50. Hazel Wright"},{"img_id":306,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":145,"img_num":1,"img_name":"lannius_clsoing.jpg","img_caption":""},{"img_id":340,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":148,"img_num":1,"img_name":"tulip_1922.jpg","img_caption":"Photo from Yesterday Revisited. A Pictorial History of Fannin County, Texas<\/i>."},{"img_id":377,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":148,"img_num":2,"img_name":"tulip_1928.jpg","img_caption":"Tulip School class photo, circa 1928.
\r\nFront row, left to right: Ray Griffin, Unknown, Archie W. Jaynes, Clifford Dodson, Unknown, Haywood, Sammie Stevens, Unknown, George Sutherland, Ward Dodson, Buck Lorance, Keith Bryant and G.D. Sutherland.
\r\nSecond row, left to right: Unknown, Eugene ?, O.M. Darling, Juanita Rue, Berniece McFarland, Juana Jean Gibbs, Unknown, Katy Lee Trubyfill, Biscuit Flowers, Virginia Griffin, Unknown, Lavern Darling, Unknown, Unknown, Ruth Rice, Leona Paddy, Ruby Jean Bryant, Unknown and R.L. Jones.
\r\n Third row, left to right: Unknown, Mary Olive Curry, Frankie Griffin, Unknown, Zelemah Clutter, Irene McFarland, Lucille Curry, Thelma Flowers, Mara Chandler, Mary Lee McFarland, Louise McFarland, Myrtle Gibbs, Josephine Lorance, Hazel McFarland, Janice Chandler, Mildred Stevens and Jimmie Lorance.
\r\n Fourth row, left to right: Dan McRae (Supt.), Myrtle Little (Principal), Roberta Little (Primary Teacher), Dessie Mae McRae,Luciel Lorance, Fae Curry, Jewel Curry, Thelma Gaily, Annabelle Stevens, Laura Nell Lorance, Zula Turbyfill and Keith Bryant.
\r\nBack row, left to right: Vertis Dodson, Buster Curry, Lester Snodgrass, John Hill Bryant, Jack Jones, Raymond Paddy, Clyde Stevens, Dale Carlile, Pud Paddy, Johnnie Snodgrass and Leonard Bryant. Photo courtesy of Linda Spider."},{"img_id":342,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":148,"img_num":3,"img_name":"tulip_1934.jpg","img_caption":"Tulip School photo, circa 1934. Front row, left to right: Durrell Dean Jaynes, Harold Stephens, Stanley Gibbs, Kenneth Turbyfill, Unknown, Loyd Dodson, Archie James, William Nowlin, Sammy Knox Stephens, Freddie George Sutherland and Buck Lorance.
\r\nSecond row, left to right: Unknown Bankston, Ruby Jean Bryant, Unknown Bryant, Billie Jean Bankston, Betty Lorance, Nadine Dodson, Virginia Sutherland, Unknown Chance, Unknown, Daniel McRae, Unknown, Dwayne Turbyfill, Unknown Mobley and Unknown.
\r\n Third row, left to right: Dean Lorance, Louise McRae, Jimmie Lorance, Betty Nowlin, Juana Jean Gibbs, Unknown Chance, Unknown and Bernice McFarlin.
\r\nFourth row, left to right: Ward Dodson, Unknown Peterson, Earnest \u201cTobe\u201d Dodson, Bobby Nowlin, Lois Lambert (teacher), Doc Hiller, Lois Richardson, Clifford Dodson, Keith Bryant and G.D. Sutherland.
\r\n\r\nBack row, left to right: Ruth Rice, Joyce Nowlin, Mildred Stephens, unknown Peterson, Kathryn Gibbs, Maggie Cravens, Irene McFarlin, Josephine \u201cCricket\u201d Lorance, Mary Olive Curry and Hazel McFarlin.
Photo courtesy of Linda Spiller. Photo from Yesterday Revisited. A Pictorial History of Fannin County, Texas<\/i>."},{"img_id":378,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":148,"img_num":4,"img_name":"tulip_1939.jpg","img_caption":""},{"img_id":346,"img_cat":"School","img_cat_fk":151,"img_num":1,"img_name":"hudsonville_school_1908.jpg","img_caption":"Picture of Hudsonville school in the early 1900s, we suspect around 1908 based on the known birthdates of those children marked with Xs. Second row up, third from left is List of names on back of 1936 Home Coming Photo.
\r\n Ethel Stansburg I think right behind her Edube<\/li>\r\n